Intense nosebleeds before ritual

I have started having intense nosebleeds before a ritual or while thinking about evoking king Paimon and Asmoday. Does anybody know what this could mean?


thats funny, my sinuses get all wonky when im around those two. i can agree that there is barely any information ofn this. wish i could help more but i have no clue whats going on


Asmodeus has made other people’s noses bleed for me recently. I have no idea why, and I used to get them randomly as a child.


This could be a very nagative reaction to what your casting? Nosebleeds can have causes that include nasal dryness, or injury. Nosebleed especially repeated nosebleeds may be a symptom of a more serious condition not related to your ritual work.


Try magnesium.


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Doctor > Witch Doctor


I’ve only been casting simple spells, mainly just spells for luck, money and love based on what a client needs. I don’t see how something that simple would cause a reaction as big as a anime-like nosebleed. Although I did do a rite of deification on myself recently. But that was a couple months ago.


I haven’t asked him yet. Lately i’ve been having extreme difficulty getting even minor spirits to respond to evocation.

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Casting for others my have unknown results. Many times when casting even if what your requesting is beneficial what comes through the veil isn’t always positive and those that are called are not always the ones that are coming through but spirits that wish to harm.

Although with that being said the nose bleeds might be from another cause than your magical rituals.


Maybe it’s a hint. Something about blood. Blood is magnificent. Or maybe its telling you to just let things flow, and don’t get frustrated, worried or impatient with the use of force. I could be wrong but I don’t think this has to be a negative. Just don’t swallow it. :slight_smile: It can make your stomach very upset.


Hahaha that’s what im thinking. I have yet to have an answer yet so until then i’ll try to control bleeding.

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I don’t do rituals so I have no experience with this but it sounds to me like you’re trying to reach too high for your tolerance level.

It reminds me of how my hearing gets kind of knocked out when I’m getting too close to my physical parents. If I try to get too involved with them in a conversation, I can feel my voice starting to go out. This is happening because I’m not supposed to be having anything to do with them in the first place. I’m being forced to separate. So I can only imagine that you aren’t supposed to be doing rituals, or at least not to this entity.


Asmodeus can be very physically intense, as can many others. At some point they really are altering you on a physical level and it doesn’t always feel good. That being said, he enjoys blood, and a slice of pepperoni pizza always gets his attention. He’s also very responsive and let’s you know if you need to worry or not. Though depending on mood he may or may not actually let you know what’s going on.


I agree it is a very strong sign. Asmodeus can be quite malevolent as one of the kings of hell and could be a sign of his displeasure. If it were me I would proceed with caution.

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Have you considered going to certified TCM Accupuncture?
I can personalise vouch the effectiveness of this.


I am uncertain if traditional Chinese acupuncture would be an effective remedy for nosebleeds. Great for back problems.

I had nose bleeds at age 8 and had a section of my nose cauterized which worked great. The OP might want to go to a ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor and have it looked at.

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I’ve experienced something similar before. It was because the spirit wanted blood. Hes hinting at you.


Well up to you but it’s really body alchemy and from personal experience I know it’s effective


I had an isolated incident with this as well when working with Odin. He always demanded a sacrifice of my blood out of respect and that was the only time i didn’t offer.

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UPDATE: I asked Asmoday earlier and he told me that he wanted to tell me that he’s not like the other spirits I’ve worked with in the past. He gave me the nosebleeds to see if I could handle that intensity of power yet. Apparently he was close to me as soon as I first thought about giving the kings of the Goetia a go and seriously learn from them. That was when I started having these nosebleeds.

He also said something very bizarre. He told me that if you are calm and receptive all the time when you ask a question to or about a specific sprit they might respond without an evocation at all. It’s not like a prayer either. IDK about if that is true though.