Initiation into Vampiric Arts book

question for anyone who has read this book.
"… but a vampire will be stronger near the place of his birth"

Can someone who has read this book elaborate or clarify this.

This is actually a pretty common tenet of vampiric paths… not only closer to the place of your birth, but even more so to the motherland of your ancestors.

This is based on the idea that a powerful and innate link exists between the individual and the place that he or she was born, as if the birth itself psychically links the individual to that place. And then there is a stronger link between the individual and the land that his or her ancestors have lived on for generations.

You have to understand that this belief is born out the recognition that the earth is not real estate, but is a living organism. So, the place that you live in isn’t just a “place,” but it is a living thing that feeds you, shelters you from the elements, gives you water, and keeps you alive.

So specifically what kind of advantage will the Vapir enjoy by living on the land of his recent ancestors?


“In the third stage they invoke their own spirit consciousness to unite with their soul. They are then able to be filled with the spirit …”

What is the difference between this and astral projection?

not only closer to the place of your birth, but even more so to the motherland of your ancestors.
This reminds me of a small section of Castanada's first book, where the Nagual teaches him to find his "spot" on the porch, which is the one belonging only to him. Is there any relation between these concepts?
This is actually a pretty common tenet of vampiric paths... not only closer to the place of your birth, but even more so to the motherland of your ancestors.

can anyone who understand this clearly,
elaborate on the connection, between the motherland of one’s ancestors, and the increased strength ?

thanks in advance

Maybe related with astrology and the birthplace?

I know there are mythos about Gea (Mother Earth) who gave strenght to her sons the giants (one of them Anteos) when they were tired, if they fell to the ground she would give’em power to stand up refreshed and fully alive/overcharged of energy, ready for the battle

one’s birthplace and the motherland of one’s ancestors may not be the same.

Mine isn’t…And yes whenever i think of Cartagen the home land of the phoenicians i get really nice thoughts and i am engulfed on this strength that goes for hours.