Yes the Jewish tradition.anyone who goes with it.
I’m done with that long time ago don’t worry.
I done with being a sheep.
can i contact him and comminucate with him if i am a LPH practioner?
Yes, working with angels does not have anything to do with religion or RHP.
Angels and Demons are appropriated terms from Greek, Roman, Chaldean, and other non-Christian sources. So obviously you can. Just as with any Daemon.
Yep. They work with LHP practitioners all the time.
Which is ironic, because they’re both best friends.
That’s what I’ve seen too, yes.
This is really disappointing, I just signed up to this forum and to see statements like this… It’s narcissistic and just gross.
Yep.i do work also with archangel Michael and gabriel but with their Chrisian side and name,not in the Hebrew side or with God. Just with them would’ve pretty ungrateful and disrespectful and hypocritical to say otherwise after all the times they have helped me.
I love the energy of archangel Michael. It’s calming in a way. Even though he’s a warrior Angel.
This post is complete but some members who can’t scroll on when they see post on topic they are not comfortable with they try to make remarks that tend to disrupt the energy of useful discussion.
If a person is not ready to work with Michael because his functions is also appropriate with others spirits then go on to work with other spirits and let the message get to does it would serve. There is no point posting comments that angels are whatever. The post already said the angels are believe to have existed before the Hebrew religion and does not necessarily belong to the Christian, except otherwise angelic post are not allowed on the forum.
Some people get a high off of disputing/disagreeing/projecting Lots of members on here work with just the “angelic” spirits too. To each his own.The OP didn’t even force anyone to work with anyone sigh besides these are great archive files for the balg’s akashic records for anyone doing research in the future.
Thank you for sharing. I do quite a bit of work with Michael and I agree on the feeling of his energy. I will be in the A/C and get really hot when convening with him.
Thank you, Helena.
I know this is an old thread but may I ask what book this is with his sigils?
Michael’s sigils I got from the internet.
If you’re talking about Mihael’s sigil, it’s from a german book: Lysir: Engel, Angelistische Mächte der Erzengel und der Malachim Band1
Thank you
Untrue this is a badass sight and these pwople know what theyre talking about. Im surprised now what theyre saying is true cause i called on miguel /mochael and he worked for me but i cant seem to see or hear or feel his protection anymore but i do see his protection for the two people i love work. And then the santa muerte holy death saved my daughtwr from being wrongfully drowned to death by my aunt and i do tarot cards so im destined to figure out why michael aint been trying to really let me see him nor even what kind of good protection spells o can hurry and do for me and my family of three . my lifes hard im a twon i was supposed to die but here i am probably supposed to have herpes too but i probably dont now cause of something i found put i can do. … My pee stopped burning every morning … Uh my grandma told me about how she dreamed of michael showing tleling her what r you doing this late and was asking her cause there was anothwr angel vetting ready to rape someone by this palm tree and had toook off her clothes well she killed him or something
Funny cause mfs have tried do some bad stuff to me lately … And i got protected and was vranted reversal of a hex by someone who knows santeria their black and green candle performance comes to show me my life getting back to normal and my mind my knowledge i was ripped from this past year… Now me and my man see how pur relationship always shpuldve been the love we felt for eachother most realest than ever.