I’m meeeying with my boss via webchat tomorrow, and people below me are getting raises and promotions over me. I heard she dislikes me. Spells, etc. to change how she views me?
King Paimon and Belial.
Suhn’Tal’Ock and Salas’ash are spirits that are great when it comes to means of money and promotions as well. I did a ritual with Salas’ash a few years ago to bring me money and he not only got me a raise about one week later but also a promotion. As DarkestKnight said, King Paimon and Belial are great for things like influence and manipulation but if you wanna get the best out of it. I’d combine or ask them to combine their powers with Suhn’Tal’Ock and/or Salas’ash to go all out. The more you put into the ritual the more and better results you’ll get. Good luck!
Like @DarkestKnight already said, King Paimon and King Belial. Having been helped by both extensively, I can say they’re perfect for this.
Prince Orobas and Marquis Amon. Invoke them and carry their sigils in your pocket, and know they’re speaking thru you.
Good call. He does seem underappreciated.
I’m not familiar with those two. How do you contact them and petition them, or ask them to combine? Thank you!
I’ll give him a try, thank you! Have you had success with him?
I haven’t had success with Amon, but I could try carrying sigils. Thank you!
What method of contact have you had success with?
They’re both mentioned in the Book of Azazel by E.A. Koetting. Suhn’Tal’Ock is the forger of empires and Salas’ash can bring money quickly to the summoner. Basically, you just take their sigils and ask them both to work together to bring what you want. I call upon them and ask them to bring what I want, I’ll then take a lancet and bleed upon the sigils and then use a burn bowl to offer them their sigils in my blood along with some whiskey or bourbon, etc.
Thank you. What method have you had success with?
Whatever method you usually use.
I used the evocation (not to physical manifestation) method.