Incubus attacks? I'm getting real tired of this shit

Even if I’ve had experienced the darker aspect of a succubus - including the presence of an incubus - I have never experienced a malevolent kind. The incubus is of a different nature than a succubus, though. Some of them seems to be dominant in their nature, persistent and spot on in what they want. But there’s also experiences of shy and passive incubus entities, which did coin the phrase of “gentleman spirits”.

Their dark currents is, indeed, very cold, compact and just as solid as a human, physically. Having sex with that kind of presence can be scary and intimidating for someone unprepared or when it’s non-consensual. Consensually, it’s even more enjoyable than the upper levels of their energy currents, if that fits your sexual preferences, of course.

Other than the sexual aspect of their darker manifestations, they often dig deep to find what scares us the most, and I’ve had quite the experience of that as well. The difference is that my experience was in a controlled environment with the intent to learn and familiarize with all their manifestations, rather than being controlled and feed them with fear. When these kind of manifestation is in control and the entity is consciously aware of what they’re doing, without going primal within their darker nature, the experience is quite awesome. It also shows how intelligent and developed an entity is, when it has the power to control and tame it’s own primal urges. It seems your visitor isn’t that highly developed, just yet.

I would also recommend you to proceed with the banishing ritual, and maybe confront it by asking questions. Of course there’s other ways to proceed, but then you have to learn more about energies, the different currents and it’s functionality. You can even reverse the experience to your own advantage, which could scare the shit out of that entity to submission, but that isn’t recommended for starters.


I’ve been at war with a parasite for a while now. The energetical interferances I get are the result of the parasite. It’s a terrible thing to have your freedom taken away, but it was my stupidity that let one into my life thinking it was a “succubus”. A good literal example is Jim Carrey in the movie, “liar liar” when he couldn’t tell a lie. Have you ever seen that movie? It’s a good movie. I often literally can’t speak words in my subconscious thoughts. It used be where I couldn’t even speak outloud though.

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The good news is that I think I’ve found a new ally to help me fight the war and it now seems like victory is inevitable. It’s not like I wouldn’t have won the war on my own but my energy would be drained every day and it was difficult to find the proper time and “mindset” to fight. It feels good to have someone on my side to fight beside.

Alright, it’s been a while so I figured its about time to update you guys on what’s been going on with this thing.

First of all, a massive shout out to Valkarath. He’s been of invaluable help to me during this time, not only in regards of dealing with this parasite but also in understanding my own self. Thank you brother!

After a few PMs back and forth, Valk revealed to me that this was an entity sent my way by Satan. I had done a sigil meditation with the intention of obtaining power shortly prior to experiencing the attacks. So, that’s the first lesson. In magick, just like in life, power has to be earned. Given the situation was as it was, I asked Valk not to deal with the entity although he easily could have, as I wish to grow to be able to destroy this thing myself and build a relationship with Satan.

Doing the Solar Banishing Ritual hasn’t really done much, though. I’m having a hard time visualizing the solar blast wave. Even though the technique of doing it is quite simple, it feels as if this is something meant for advanced practitioners who can effectively harness the power of the sun.

To make a long story short, after several attempts at destroying this thing through SBR, it persisted. Albeit, its attacks had lost the intensity they used to have. But I would still keep waking up in the middle of the night but being able to fall asleep. And if a day of mediations is missed (which happened to me several times), then shit would just get worse.

Seeing I wasn’t making much progress, Valk stepped up once again and provided me a traditional magic ritual to literally incinerate this thing. And I did. Woke up the next day without any conscious sleep disturbancss or any mind chatter, just clarity. It was pretty fucking cool! Accidentally, I had a hang out scheduled with a girl that day and needless to say, not being in a zombified state really helped set the mood.

Is the problem solved for good though? I don’t know. Although, the situation has dramatically improved. There are no sleep paralysis’ at all these days so that’s amazing. And I can actually sleep through nights without randomly being woken up for hours. This in itself is great but I’m still finding myself waking up feeling drained and miserable in the mornings. These could be the after effects of having this thing on me for a while. It could also be something health related, I don’t know. If the entity is still there, is not making its presence known nor am I able to sense it. So there’s that.

One thing is for sure, I’m feeling much better after the ritual and the mediations are making a difference so I’ll keep doing them. If anyone is curious about the ritual, feel free to PM @valkarath.

Cheers guys


Hey, man. I’m glad things are better.

Let me add just a little context so we don’t scare other people. Newb was asking for help with certain things and he received them, in an adversarial way.

Just as a general LHP concept, if you ask for something like magickal power and strength, you might find yourself in an “interesting” situation that requires you to develop your magickal power and strength.

From the outside it looks like an attack, but when you dig into the situation, you can actually see how it’s helping the other person evolve.

There you go weakening your power again. If your intention was to destroy it for good, then it’s gone. It’s done. It’s finished.

If you think it could be a health issue, get it checked out. Have the doctor check your testosterone levels. I know the parasite I had attached to me for years destroyed my natural testosterone production and I have to take shots to replenish it. And it will most certainly leave you feeling drained.

While you’re doing that, you can recharge your batteries. Just use the breathing technique I shared with you to breathe in whatever energy you need from the universe.

You don’t have to use the Star Pose since that hurts your shoulder. Just use whatever feels like an “open” and “receiving” posture to you, then use your imagination and breathing to breathe in the energy you need.

All in all, I’m glad you’re doing better. I’m proud of you, brother. You really stepped up to the plate and swung for the fences. :smile:


Yeah man, I do the meditations every morning these days and it’s a real energy boost. Doing the star pose while laying in bed helps with the shoulder issue. I know it’s not ideal but it’s good enough for now.

I’ll go get my test levels checked out sometime this month. It would actually be pretty dope to get a prescription for farmaceutical grade testosterone :muscle:

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No, man … that works fine. There isn’t any ideal to hold yourself to. If it works, it works. All these techniques are just tools in your toolbox.

Awesome. At least you’ll know one way or the other, He-Man. lol


This is powerful! Thanks for sharing. I’ve not had issues with an incubus doing that, but I have had run-ins throughout my life with a large black shape (shadow person?) who wakes me up by choking and shocking me (a loud buzzing sound along with electricity). There is paralysis until I can say the word, “Stop!”. And I have to work to get the word out because I’m also gripped by fear. As I got older the fear has been replaced by anger toward it. The last two times I got out of bed and went after it. I’ve walked it out of my house both times. I’ve dealt with this since I was very small. I still have vivid memories of standing in my crib and watching it walk down the hallway toward me and standing a few feet away “watching” me. My father also witnessed and saw it. Horrifying!

I’ll follow your steps the next time it becomes active. Thanks!

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