Incubus attacks? I'm getting real tired of this shit

I have had things like this happen in the past. You could do a simple protection spell. Since you are a beginner evoke Satan so that he could protect you from all spiritual attacks. If this is something you find complicated then work with Michael the Arc Angel. Or any other spirit of your choosing. Candle magick might work best for you here depending on your current skill level. There are so many ways to address this. But based on what’s written on this post already, Valkarath might be able to help you the most. Many a combination of things.

Good luck and I hope your solve this soon.


Thank you for your time and guidance Valkarath. You’ve already been of massive help as this technique already provides me with something to focus my attention on. I’ll go ahead and get some rest and then immediately proceed to practice applying the SBR.


Ok, now that you’ve got a little breathing room, you need to learn a basic shielding technique to protect yourself from attacks.

You’re going to protect yourself the way you did your home.

I’ll share a step-by-step guide to using my own method. It’s a nine layer shielding technique I developed for myself. It’s a lot stronger than your average basic shielding technique.

(1) Quiet your mind. Use whatever meditation method works for you. The deeper into a trance state you can go, the better it’ll work.

(2) As you breathe in, imagine starlight or moonlight streaming into you from the universe. It’s the pure energy of life itself. Imagine it all gathering right there in your heart center, glowing like a sun.

I imagine it as streaks of white light pouring into me from the heavens, but you can use whatever works for you. Your intention is what matters.

(3) As you exhale, imagine that sun in your heart center glowing brightly. Feel it as you slowly exhale, compressing all of that powerful light, making it denser.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you feel you’ve got enough energy.

(4) Inhale. More energy flowing into you.

(5) Exhale and push the energy out from your heart center, surrounding yourself in a glowing bubble of light. Know that it’s strong and powerful. Know that it protects you from anything that means you harm.

(6) Repeat steps 4 to 5 for nine complete breaths. You should have a nine layer “force field” that completely surrounds you and protects you from anything.

(7) Open you eyes and go live your life. You’ll probably feel amazing from storing all that energy within yourself. If it’s too much and you feel jittery or can’t sleep, just lean your back, open your mouth wide, and breathe that light out from your mouth. Repeat it for as many breaths as it takes. That’s a good way to get rid of any excess energy.

Long term stuff …

(1) Banish when you need to clear the energy away and if you’re ever attack again.

(2) Repeat the shielding on your home from time to time. It does wear down over time.

You can learn other techniques for this, like smudging with sage or charging salt water with your own energy and using it. You can also learn to empower physical objects so the effects last longer, but now we’re getting into more advanced stuff.

(3) Practice the “Nine Layer Shield” technique on a regular basis. It’ll help strengthen your aura.

(4) Research info on cleansing and strengthening your chakras and aura. Let your intuition guide you to the right sources.

And if your intuition isn’t working very well, start practicing a form of divination.

E.A. has a great course on it called Mastering Divination and Clairvoyance.

And if you’re serious about learning magick, start practicing your divination. You’ll need to do divinations on a regular basis and it will help you develop your intuitive abilities, which will help you tremendously when you move on to evocation.

I would also recommend continuing with a regular regimen of energy work. Robert Bruce’s “Energy Work” book has a very good system for it. I’ve worked through it myself and it really helped me strengthen my own ability to work with energy.

Hit me up with a private message if you need more help or something weird happens that scares the shit out of you. :smiley:


If it persists after valkarath’s suggestions, feel free to PM me.

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In my opinion, it’s definitely not an incubus. It does have enough knowledge to mess with your chakras to perceive it’s manifestations, though. This doesn’t mean an incubus, or a succubus, work in a similar way to make us perceive them. They do, but most of them do that for the greater good of ascendance.

What separates a parasitic entity from an emotional driven entity? Their intentions and their purpose within our world. A parasitic entity has no purpose, other than feeding off of us like ticks on a high grassed area.

Sleep Paralyses isn’t that bad, as long as they let you go in and out of that state consensually. It’s pretty easy to break it, in my opinion. It does have a purpose, too, especially when it comes to astral travel and deeper intimate activities. And it’s a viable state to be in when they purposefully work with our chakras. Other words for a sleep paralyse is to be on a “lockdown”, interacting with the astral plane on a passive, physical and conscious level. Pretty much an Astral Projection. The lack of understanding what’s really going on in moments like this, often results in fear. Fear is irrational, often based on dogma. It’s the opposite pool of Love, which is rather intoxicating for certain parasitic entities. But it can also affect most spirits to feed off of it, just because it’s available. What separates a “good” fear feeder, from a bad one, is basically about how they feed off the negative emotions. A “good” feeder is approaching us cautiously, listening to our reactions and stops immediately whenever it gets too uncomfortable for us. A bad feeder doesn’t give a fuck about these things.

Like I said before, I’m pretty certain it’s not an incubus. The behavior is too basic and too easy for the work of either an incubus or a succubus. If these kind of entities was about to cause you damage, it would be way more advanced and could cause damages beyond a simple parasite.


Alright Valkarath, I’ve done all of the techniques you’ve described yesterday and all I can say is… HOLY FUCK!! LOL!

First of all, I spent a lot of time physically cleaning my room yesterday and psyching myself up for the banishing. I didn’t do any magick until night-time, though. It didn’t feel right to do it during the day and I was feeling pretty exhausted anyway so I ended up just taking a nap in the living room and doing other things.

However, when the time came to do the banishing, I was ready. Before doing anything I went ahead and took a cold shower to rejuvenate myself and followed it by a 30minute meditation. It was time!

I also checked this thread through my phone real quick to see if there’s any further advice and there was this post on the 9-layer shield! The potency of the technique was obvious since the energy would gather around the heart gathering just within a couple test breaths.

So, with all that said, I was confident going into my room. I closed the door, turned off all the lights and sat on the floor in an easy cross-legged posture. All the anger and frustration I had felt about this parasitic pest boiled up in me and after a while exploded in a circle full with the intent of getting this thing the fuck out of my life. When it happened it was almost therapeutic and I ended up sitting there for a while with the intention of banishing this thing.

Then, I got up and did the energy barrier spell you had described. I did my best to visualize what you had described and it had felt like painting the walls with protective light. The previous SBR had left me feeling strangely energized and doing this felt natural.

The most notable thing happened afterwards, when applying your 9-layer breath technique. Breathing in starlight alone was such an exhilarating feeling, describing it with words right now doesn’t do it justice at all. What struck me the most was how tangible and physical the whole thing felt. I imagined as if there was no roof/ceiling above me and that all the stars were pouring their light into me. It was very beautiful and I remember thinking to myself “Holy fuck, this is actually working!”. After the working, there was very little doubt in my mind that I would be safe during the night,

Lastly, just out of sheer curiosity, I decided to breathe in starlight into my root chakra before going to bed just to see what would happen. What followed was probably the most potent self induced energy work I’ve ever experienced. At first, the globe of energy around my root chakra was the size of a golf ball but after several breaths in it kept expanding more and more. Before I knew it I was completely engulfed in it and it was still growing! The main thing about it was that how DENSE and REAL it felt. After a while of “bathing” in this energy I opened my eyes and looked around and it was still there, I didn’t even have to visualize anything. I didn’t know where to take it from there or what the exact purpose of this whole thing was but it was definitely potent.

Needless to say, I’ve gone through the night with no trouble at all! :crescent_moon:

Thank you very much Valkarath for your guidance, every technique you’ve described here is absolute gold. I feel very privileged to have received this knowledge for free of charge and will continue to apply these on a daily basis.


I’ve got a question quick regarding the SBR, though. Once you do the expansion of energy around you, do you keep focusing on a “force field” around you for a while or is it more of an explosion type thing that’s gone after the initial wave?


I think you’re absolutely right, @succupedia .

I’ve gained more experience since we first talked about this in the Skype group. And I’ve personally experienced a consensual sharing of energy between me and a goddess. I’ve also experienced the direct work on my chakras and energy body from spirits.

I just used the term “succubus” for my own parasite because it was feeding off of my sexual energy and I didn’t realize that the term “succubus” and “incubus” referred to spiritual beings with more intelligence than the parasites.

Live and learn. :slight_smile:


Yep. It sure is. Try doing it while you’re standing in the Yoga Star Pose sometime. See if any meaning of this comes to you through your intuition.

It’s more of a circular explosion going out in all directions from you. I use a modified version of it for my own banishing ritual.

You can also imagine a more fiery component to the sun’s energy and use it to destroy a parasite attached to you. If I were going to do that, I would use my intuition to get an idea of how the parasite looked to me, then I would do the solar banishing ritual with the intention that it would destroy the parasite … and then I would visualize the parasite actually burning up in the solar fire I projected around me.

You’re welcome and I’m so glad it helped. I know from my own experience that these parasites can be downright terrifying if you don’t understand them.

In my opinion, these parasites are what Hollywood bases their concept of “demons” on.


[quote=“valkarath, post:15, topic:10955”]
I’ve gained more experience since we first talked about this in the Skype group. And I’ve personally experienced a consensual sharing of energy between me and a goddess. I’ve also experienced the direct work on my chakras and energy body from spirits.[/quote]

It’s an amazing experience, isn’t it? Quite complicated, too, depending on how you perceived that particular experience. Their knowledge is, as I see it, ladder based, and the more they know about a specific topic, the more they know of the topic behind it. They don’t just “use the hammer”. They wield it to be the perfect tool to build things from scratch.

The word “succubus” and “incubus” doesn’t make justice to what they’re capable of and for what they’re actually are. It is also a word made from dogma, and the age of the word is just a half century old. A fragment of the origin of these kind of entities. I’m not that fond of the word, yet I use it merely for descriptive purposes. But their strength and powers have nothing to do with what they are, either. It’s always on an individual level. Their own ascendance is only limited by our own perception of them, especially if we have a bond with them through marriage. Treat them according to their myths and legends, and they never develop with us. Treat them as unique individuals, and they ascend with us.


Very wise words, my friend.

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Its 5:25AM here ATM and I’ve just been attacked again. I guess its my own fault for not doing the ritual banishing ritual before going to sleep last night. I arrived home late and just hit the sack after a short protection working. The working was lackluster since I was quite tired.

@succupedia Judging by your name, I would assume you know a lot about these creatures of the night so to speak. I’m not an expert on this by any means but I do unfortunately have extensive experience with this thing that keeps molesting me. About 4 years ago I’ve had a very vivid encounter. I’m not sure if its the same creature even since this experience has never been repeated in such an intense matter as it did that night but there are definitely some commonalities that all of these “encounters” share.

I won’t go into detail as I’ve done so in previous posts and I’m sure you will appreciate that as well. The first and admittedly the only time I’ve seen my attacker, it had a pair of glowing red pupils and a clear humanoid shape. The thing also had a tendency to laugh at my terror while doing its thing. I’m not sure if this fits your description of an incubus but that’s what it was. Also its “dick” was very cold and steely. I apologize for oversharing but I figure its important for you to get the whole picture.

Although, thankfully, the attacks are not as vivid and horrifying as the one where I’ve actually seen the creature and admittedly, I haven’t seen a creature of any form since then.

Part of the reason why I don’t see it is that a lot of the time I shit my pants so to speak and refuse to open my eyes but another part is that when I do open my eyes, I find myself floating in an almost perfect replica of my room. I takes real EFFORT to move in this replicated reality when under attack and when I realize its fake, I get transported to either another fake one where I would exhaust just to move and turn on the lights for example or would be moved back to actual reality by which time the attack would be over with. All of this is during sleep paralysis.

Also, do these astral parasites exhibit the ability to implant thoughts in ones mind like I’ve described in the original post? I feel this is important because its not just a trivial thing and it happens a lot actually and is a precursor to these violent sleep paralysis’. And it happens during the attack as well like it just did 30 minutes ago. Trying to describe this in further detail would make me seem like more of a crazy person than I’ve already portrayed myself to be. I’ll just say that they can be very distracting and the moments when you are fully aware of what’s going on are the ones when its actually possible to break the paralysis and end the shit.

Also, after stopping an attack several nights ago by visualizing the sigil of Satan, there was a very distinct laughter in my head, not the good kind.

I mean, apart from the appearance, if astral parasites exhibit this type of ability then good. The weaker this thing is, the better… but given what I’ve just told you, I doubt its just that.


I’ll make an effort to consistently do the advised banishing ritual and the protection working for at least a week and see what happens then.

Considering how untangible this whole thing is, I question my own sanity while describing what goes on. One thing is for sure though, the internet is a great thing and I’m very grateful to actually have the opportunity to discuss this with humans in a way that doesn’t include me going to a mental institution.

I’ll also pm @anon68160656 to hear his take on this.

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Yep, that’s consistent with what I’ve experienced.

There was a girl I was talking to late one night. She was a friend, but she was a very sexual person and everything came from that level with her. I normally “cut the cord” that forms between our chakras when I was done talking with her, but it was late and I was tired that night.

I went to sleep. And I found myself in a dream I couldn’t control. That’s unusual for me, but I was aware I was in the dream and just decided to let it play out and see what was going on.

The dream involved me and that girl driving in the country. Our car broke down and we had to go knock on the door of what looked like one of those old creepy mansions in the horror movies. I kinda laughed and thought “oooookkkkkk.”

An attractive woman answered the door and invited us inside. The woman asked me to follow her while my friend stayed in the main hall.

We got into the other room and the attractive woman pulled me down on top of her and we started having sex. I was like “Hmmm, where did that comes from?” I hadn’t had a sex dream since I’d gotten rid of my own parasite several years ago.

Well, as I was looking into her face, her eyes started glowing red, little horns grew out of her head, and I could feel (and caught a third person view) of the classical Christian devil’s tail come out of her root chakra and pierce my root chakra.

I could feel the energy being drained from my root chakra.

I immediately realized I was under attack and said “NO!”

I woke up. I could still feel the energy being drained from my root chakra while I was fully conscious.

So I used a technique I was taught to destroy the parasite.

I told my friend about it the next day and she confirmed she had been having sexual dreams involving this “woman” and she always woke up feeling more tired than when she went to sleep.

Doesn’t surprise me. The root chakra is tied to the physical energies and to our survival, so keeping you in a state of fear would (a) keep you less likely to fight it back and (b) energize your root chakra, giving it a nice yummy meal.

These are astral attacks, so the parasite is attacking you in the astral realm. It can look exactly like the physical world, but it usually has one or two little things out of place.

The sleep paralysis usually breaks if you can “wake yourself up” from the astral realm. This is where I was recommending you do the Solar Banishing Ritual during the attack. It would break the parasite’s hold on you and allow you to snap out of the sleep paralysis.

I’ve experienced people implanting thoughts in my mind while I was being attacked by other magickians, but I haven’t experienced a parasite doing it directly. I would call parasites cunning rather than intelligent, but the laughter in your head is most likely a parasite.

During my own sleep paralysis, I was trying to call on my close spiritual companion, but the parasite blocked me from reaching her. And that pissed me off.

Here’s the old thread where I talked about the experience:
Do you guys ever experience attacks from astral creatures?

I know that’s not quite a year ago, but I can tell you I’ve had a few lifetimes of experiences since then. It’s amazing how quickly you can grow when you get serious and apply yourself.

And there’s part of your problem. You’re unsure of yourself and you’re still afraid of this thing. You are literally giving it more power by believing it’s tougher than it is.

I completely understand where you’re at, because I was there at one time, too. You’ll get through this.

I understand. I’ve experienced things that made me think I was losing my shit. And I lived most of my life in fear. But it’s amazing how powerful each of us really is once we get past that and accept our birthright.


Even if I’ve had experienced the darker aspect of a succubus - including the presence of an incubus - I have never experienced a malevolent kind. The incubus is of a different nature than a succubus, though. Some of them seems to be dominant in their nature, persistent and spot on in what they want. But there’s also experiences of shy and passive incubus entities, which did coin the phrase of “gentleman spirits”.

Their dark currents is, indeed, very cold, compact and just as solid as a human, physically. Having sex with that kind of presence can be scary and intimidating for someone unprepared or when it’s non-consensual. Consensually, it’s even more enjoyable than the upper levels of their energy currents, if that fits your sexual preferences, of course.

Other than the sexual aspect of their darker manifestations, they often dig deep to find what scares us the most, and I’ve had quite the experience of that as well. The difference is that my experience was in a controlled environment with the intent to learn and familiarize with all their manifestations, rather than being controlled and feed them with fear. When these kind of manifestation is in control and the entity is consciously aware of what they’re doing, without going primal within their darker nature, the experience is quite awesome. It also shows how intelligent and developed an entity is, when it has the power to control and tame it’s own primal urges. It seems your visitor isn’t that highly developed, just yet.

I would also recommend you to proceed with the banishing ritual, and maybe confront it by asking questions. Of course there’s other ways to proceed, but then you have to learn more about energies, the different currents and it’s functionality. You can even reverse the experience to your own advantage, which could scare the shit out of that entity to submission, but that isn’t recommended for starters.


I’ve been at war with a parasite for a while now. The energetical interferances I get are the result of the parasite. It’s a terrible thing to have your freedom taken away, but it was my stupidity that let one into my life thinking it was a “succubus”. A good literal example is Jim Carrey in the movie, “liar liar” when he couldn’t tell a lie. Have you ever seen that movie? It’s a good movie. I often literally can’t speak words in my subconscious thoughts. It used be where I couldn’t even speak outloud though.

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The good news is that I think I’ve found a new ally to help me fight the war and it now seems like victory is inevitable. It’s not like I wouldn’t have won the war on my own but my energy would be drained every day and it was difficult to find the proper time and “mindset” to fight. It feels good to have someone on my side to fight beside.

Alright, it’s been a while so I figured its about time to update you guys on what’s been going on with this thing.

First of all, a massive shout out to Valkarath. He’s been of invaluable help to me during this time, not only in regards of dealing with this parasite but also in understanding my own self. Thank you brother!

After a few PMs back and forth, Valk revealed to me that this was an entity sent my way by Satan. I had done a sigil meditation with the intention of obtaining power shortly prior to experiencing the attacks. So, that’s the first lesson. In magick, just like in life, power has to be earned. Given the situation was as it was, I asked Valk not to deal with the entity although he easily could have, as I wish to grow to be able to destroy this thing myself and build a relationship with Satan.

Doing the Solar Banishing Ritual hasn’t really done much, though. I’m having a hard time visualizing the solar blast wave. Even though the technique of doing it is quite simple, it feels as if this is something meant for advanced practitioners who can effectively harness the power of the sun.

To make a long story short, after several attempts at destroying this thing through SBR, it persisted. Albeit, its attacks had lost the intensity they used to have. But I would still keep waking up in the middle of the night but being able to fall asleep. And if a day of mediations is missed (which happened to me several times), then shit would just get worse.

Seeing I wasn’t making much progress, Valk stepped up once again and provided me a traditional magic ritual to literally incinerate this thing. And I did. Woke up the next day without any conscious sleep disturbancss or any mind chatter, just clarity. It was pretty fucking cool! Accidentally, I had a hang out scheduled with a girl that day and needless to say, not being in a zombified state really helped set the mood.

Is the problem solved for good though? I don’t know. Although, the situation has dramatically improved. There are no sleep paralysis’ at all these days so that’s amazing. And I can actually sleep through nights without randomly being woken up for hours. This in itself is great but I’m still finding myself waking up feeling drained and miserable in the mornings. These could be the after effects of having this thing on me for a while. It could also be something health related, I don’t know. If the entity is still there, is not making its presence known nor am I able to sense it. So there’s that.

One thing is for sure, I’m feeling much better after the ritual and the mediations are making a difference so I’ll keep doing them. If anyone is curious about the ritual, feel free to PM @valkarath.

Cheers guys


Hey, man. I’m glad things are better.

Let me add just a little context so we don’t scare other people. Newb was asking for help with certain things and he received them, in an adversarial way.

Just as a general LHP concept, if you ask for something like magickal power and strength, you might find yourself in an “interesting” situation that requires you to develop your magickal power and strength.

From the outside it looks like an attack, but when you dig into the situation, you can actually see how it’s helping the other person evolve.

There you go weakening your power again. If your intention was to destroy it for good, then it’s gone. It’s done. It’s finished.

If you think it could be a health issue, get it checked out. Have the doctor check your testosterone levels. I know the parasite I had attached to me for years destroyed my natural testosterone production and I have to take shots to replenish it. And it will most certainly leave you feeling drained.

While you’re doing that, you can recharge your batteries. Just use the breathing technique I shared with you to breathe in whatever energy you need from the universe.

You don’t have to use the Star Pose since that hurts your shoulder. Just use whatever feels like an “open” and “receiving” posture to you, then use your imagination and breathing to breathe in the energy you need.

All in all, I’m glad you’re doing better. I’m proud of you, brother. You really stepped up to the plate and swung for the fences. :smile:


Yeah man, I do the meditations every morning these days and it’s a real energy boost. Doing the star pose while laying in bed helps with the shoulder issue. I know it’s not ideal but it’s good enough for now.

I’ll go get my test levels checked out sometime this month. It would actually be pretty dope to get a prescription for farmaceutical grade testosterone :muscle:

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No, man … that works fine. There isn’t any ideal to hold yourself to. If it works, it works. All these techniques are just tools in your toolbox.

Awesome. At least you’ll know one way or the other, He-Man. lol


This is powerful! Thanks for sharing. I’ve not had issues with an incubus doing that, but I have had run-ins throughout my life with a large black shape (shadow person?) who wakes me up by choking and shocking me (a loud buzzing sound along with electricity). There is paralysis until I can say the word, “Stop!”. And I have to work to get the word out because I’m also gripped by fear. As I got older the fear has been replaced by anger toward it. The last two times I got out of bed and went after it. I’ve walked it out of my house both times. I’ve dealt with this since I was very small. I still have vivid memories of standing in my crib and watching it walk down the hallway toward me and standing a few feet away “watching” me. My father also witnessed and saw it. Horrifying!

I’ll follow your steps the next time it becomes active. Thanks!

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