Incantations with angels?

this thread says to say “Alash Tad Al-ash Tal Ashtu” while looking at a sigil. Does this work for spirits of angels too?

My personal experience with angelic mantras is that the words only have as much power and meaning as you give it, since angels communicate on a much higher vibration then man is possible, i think its fair to say no established script or language has any kind of validity. Youre better off just making your own incantation and putting all of your intentions into it. rather than trying to translate some random script aguy smoking dmt in a cave wrote up on a wall

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So in theory if i wanted to say “will you guide me and protect me” to an angel in writing i could just write “65656565656565” and as long as the intention was there and strong it would be understood.

But also how would you be clear of your own intentions if youre copying someone elses… all gnosis of course

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Try the incantations in the language of Angels found here:

They are very potent.

Also, yes, you can use the demon language to summon angels. There’s an older post here about someone using EA’s Incantation to Summon Forth for the Archangel Michael. Michael came, but asked the magician, “why did you call me with that demon shit?” lol