INCANTATION SUMMARY - I invite you to share all your incantations here :)

You should test them out and tell us your results :slight_smile: since you channeled them

I have tested them out, and I have gotten some results (the enochian one atleast) but nothing I’m not sure I’m imagining. Thus I post it here. Your approach also makes sense, so maybe I might try to sum it up ( doubt I’ll be able to sum up much tho)

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How experienced are you in magick and channeling? Are your astral senses open?

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I guess I consider myself a demi-muggle, not really experienced at all, but I have successfully interacted with the spiritual on occasions, randomly albeit. No real idea where my astral senses are, but I would say intuition is probably my strongest stat currently. I feel like I’m good at tarot.

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what does draconic empowerment mean ?

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Honestly chose to use those words because I couldn’t really describe what I had in mind when making said chant. It might be more accurate to say draconic awakening though, so it awakens that part of you. Results wise tho I can day I got certain draconic imagery coming into my head when saying it. It also put me in a " I’m the center of everything" sorta headspace, just fyi.

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Incantation for activating and developing the astral body

Astralum Corpus

It’s Latin and translates to “The Astral Body”
This was given to me by the spirits, using my secret chanting technique, I did feel a lot more astral energy in my aura after intoning it once

They want people to also allow their mind to shape the resulting sensation of the incantation, sort of like living imagination, let your subconscious mind receive it by surrendering the mental chatter of the conscious mind, observe the energy from the incantation after intoning it, allow your consciousness to shift, the spirits suggest not relying on the word as much, but rather the effect it creates within, so allow yourself to receive it, and recite it to make the connection stronger, use all senses, that way the astral energy can have a more compatible matrix to integarate itself into the mind and subconscious mind


I have also seen dragon images in fact this represents us


I would hope so, or else it defeats the point of making the chant

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Alright as I woke up this morning I had a channeling experience. I channeled these words and a description of their use.

“Orcus Iragyutagla!”

“Use this incantation to transform your physical human body into it’s powerful ogre form. As an ogre your strength is nearly unlimited and you can’t get sick. That said your appearance will change (obviously) though some traits like eye color and hair color will stay the same. However your skin color and complexion will change.

All humans have the potential to be an ogre just as they have the potential to shapeshift given enough practice or willpower. This incantation calls upon Orcus.”

For reference I have channeled incantations to aid in shapeshifting before, but this one is something else in terms of power.

I merely thought the incantation to myself without saying it aloud as I got out of bed this morning and suddenly my hands felt massive and incredibly strong.

I’m going to recite and vibrate it aloud tonight, see what transpires.

  • Rayne

I’m not gonna turn into Shrek right? Hahaha


Where you got this from and would this be like ap?

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sorry can i get help with this

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From my journal. Link on my profile, featured post.

Shu’serul Les Rekterel
Mala Ishta Sah Vankah
A La Ishta Sehl Truna
Mah’kanta Laratza
Va’la Ishta El Vantep

Tounge: Demonic
Incantation purpose: Getting into the Void State
Created and or Channelled by: Me
Experience: Immedate dropping of thoughts and emotional states, I feel like a blank, empty slate when using this one. Increase in manifestation power due to no fuzzy thoughts in between my ritual steps
Usage advice: Repeat it until your mind goes blank. Stay there for a while. Then repeat it again once. Stay there for a while. Rinse and repeat until the room blackens and you become one with the Void :black_heart:. It is really good to implement new thoughts and thereby believes into your psyche. Find your limiting believes, write down the positive opposite and speak it once you’re so deep you feel like you’re gonna loose consciousness. Of course this one works very well for any sort of meditation that involves darkness. It also has great usages for manifestation magic.


Hey, how’d this go?

Welcome @never666 It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:



How is this pronounced the „c“ . Is the same as k?
I tried working w it but don’t get it :see_no_evil:

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focus on the power / target / energy and absorb all at once, that’s how I have been using it.

I use like “k”


Do you have anymore enochian and draconic spells?