INCANTATION SUMMARY - I invite you to share all your incantations here :)

U knw it be a great book and top charts,. I hope many guys suprt you work.

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turn my body anticlockwise?
Is this helpful with shadow work?


Tal attha sha Dan.

(phonetic: thal ‘atta’ z scz’a’a Da’! (ios) u’un.)

To enbe (to cause creation, manifestation, binding a spirit to a vessle, creating spirit or vessle).


Enbe everlasting embodiment of eternal veingness ib’said disz vessel, ka kalto uk cha 'ahra kel vod kri, elay /(elayaris /elayatos, for second and third repetition of the chant).

Tau ammu ophaun.

Reference / source:

“concept of non-monotheistic godhood.”


¥’ Berion


Depends if you mean voidic body of darkness and it’s application /usage, or mental restructoring, which many call “shadow work”.

Cauz that kind of already answers your question.

When you travel in your body of darkness, or Sud raz veko, of course it’s ment much more literal, than if you’re doing meditations and working on your mind.



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Arosulutezo Orus

Here is an incantation that channels the dormant but massive psychic power of your own Ego to use for casting other spells, raising energy or fueling the use of psychic abilities that require lots of energy such as telekinesis.

The basis for this is that I realized that even certain parts of our psyche and mind have incredible amounts of psychic energy in them as a result of both conscious and unconscious psychological activity that has been built up since we’ve existed. So I asked my shadow for a word of power that can channel the massive energy of an often vilified part of ourselves: The Ego.

The beauty of this is that because using magic naturally boosts the Ego, and the Ego in this case is our source of power, it creates a infinite loop of power for the mage to use.

I literally just stated the phrase the other day and I immediately felt a bit of pressure in my third eye. This is powerful stuff.


Definately powerful. Said it about 5-6 times and felt dizzy.



Here’s one I channeled for physical bilocation (more precisely multi-location). Meaning that when this spell is done your should be able to see and interact with physical copies of yourself, and I’m dead serious about this. Like the last incantation I shared, it uses the occult power of your ego to fuel it.

I haven’t perfected this one yet, but I’m not stopping until I do.

The way my shadow says to use this is to place your hand or hands upon your heart chakra and chant the words.

Arakalatzo Orultego Azamfeera Orus

If anyone would like to use this and share their experience and process of using it, I would really like to hear it.

On a side note, if anyone has personal advice on how to use words of power more effectively, cause I’ve gotten many incantations to work and have felt effects from them, but sometimes for whatever reason they don’t work, or don’t work entirely the same way other people have reported. I’ve inquired my shadow on this and according to him, all I need to do is just keep practicing, which is what I’m doing. Any further advice would be much appreciated.



so can you both with with vampiric tentrels? And do i have to shout the words can i not just chant them?

any enchantment to attract women?

To cause a rapid manifestation OR to cause an event after you have created it in the mental and astral plane



I’ve never personally used tendrils, but I don’t know if it would work or not. The spell is definitely for more so “sucking” energy into you rather than visualizing tendrils. Hope that helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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Isis Goddess invocation prayer
Source- Jennifer magdalen of The Mermaid Crystal Temple in Uluwatu, Bali


Warning: Read the whole post first before using this.

Aruseheyzo Atlabanissus Orus

Here is one I channeled from my shadow that calls upon the power of ALL the Oni demons and combines the incoming power with your own innate Oni nature. The end result is you effectively become an Oni while still alive.

For those who don’t know, Oni are Japanese demons often compared to Ogres in western lore. The difference is however that Oni are highly intelligent and in addition to possessing unmatched strength and vitality, they also have very powerful magic abilities.

Historically in Japan, it was believed that particularly wicked individuals would become Oni after their death or in some cases while they were still alive.

In short, this incantation is magick that makes you an Oni.

My shadow had this to say about the incantation:

“Chant this 10 times a day for 10 days in a row to see results.

This spell calls upon the power of all Oni and your own innate but dormant Oni nature. Overall it makes you an Oni all your own. Not just any Oni but an EXTREMELY powerful Oni.

Be warned. Once you have begun chanting this and the transformation begins, there is no going back. That said, you will gain power unimaginable both while you are currently alive and after your death.

First and foremost you will gain strength beyond that of any human, animal, or object on Earth or in creation. This entails both superhuman physical strength, endurance, stamina, vitality, and longevity, as well as mental strength (vast intelligence exceeding that of any human being).

Secondly, your magick and thaumaturgical abilities will be enhanced to a point unmatched by any human sorcerer. This entails you will gain the powerful and miraculous abilities all Oni possess IN ADDITION to a great boost to the power of any incantations or spells you already know.

The main side effect of the Oni transformation is that it will result in changes in personality as a result of the vast power you will gain and the pleasure you will feel in wielding it. Do not worry as you will retain your free will to choose actions of your own accord, however it’s just that you will possess such power that you will naturally want to use it in ways that “polite society” may object to or strongly disapprove of. (Not that this would matter to a black magician).

Other side effects that start because of the transformation include reactivated growth plates and a monumental increase in appetites both carnal and food-hungry as well as your metabolism.”

I am personally on my second day of chanting and I have already felt physical sensations.

My shadow also says it takes 10 days (give or take depending on the person) to really start seeing results but that you may feel effects as early as the first chanting. He also stated that you may definitely chant it more than 10 times a day but it will still take 10 days for the transformation to really get going. Remember however that this is a permanent transformation but of course you wouldn’t be doing it if you didn’t want to become a super demon.




I’m tempted to try it but I don’t wanna become an ugly ogres after my death lol.
What changes are you sensing right now?


Well, keep in mind a staple power of the Oni is shapeshifting so I wouldn’t worry about your appearance if you have that power. :slightly_smiling_face:

Personally, I felt what felt like a growing pain in the center of my back as well as similar sensations in my biceps.


Can you keep us updated with the evolution and the changes during the 10 days ?


Yeah so on Day 1 I felt physical sensations akin to growing pains in my center back area and biceps.

On Day 2 when I chanted the incantation I suddenly became very itchy all over. Heck I even took my shirt off. No discernible rash or visible condition on my skin however and it didn’t last beyond doing the incantation. I believe it was the effects of the energy flowing over me.

I’ll keep things updated day by day.


Days 3 and 4:

On day 3 I didn’t feel the same effects as I did before but I did feel rather hot.

On day 4 I had an interesting experience because I was very angry about something prior to doing the chant. When I chanted the words however, the intense feelings vanished and I felt calm and happy. I asked my shadow what happened and he said “Sometimes the energy goes where it needs to go”


Days 5 and 6

5: Not sure what I felt but when I lied down to go to sleep after doing it I felt pain in my back

6: This time I got really hot despite not wearing anything when I did this and it was like 50 something degrees out and I didn’t have the heat on in the house or anything.

On a side note, I think my metabolism is up because I ate like three big pieces of very rich chocolate cake before bed and when I weighed myself the next day it was down almost 2 pounds from what it was a day ago which is surprising cause I didn’t change my diet at all.

Also like as of me writing this I’m feeling strange sensations that I have a hard time describing. I feel as if I’m growing out of my own body. Like a literal metamorphosis as if I want to burst out of myself. The feeling is especially strong in my arms and sides of my torso but also in the legs. Shadow says this is the beginning of stronger effects of the ritual despite the fact the transfiguration doesn’t start until after the 10 days of chanting. He said something like “first their will be turbulence, but this is necessary to get where you want.”