INCANTATION SUMMARY - I invite you to share all your incantations here :)

Definitely look on, he uses mostly chants and words of power for most of his rituals.


delightful, thank you, I’ll check it out! :wink: thanks
for your contributions, and thanks, everyone again for their contributions,

I’m flabbergasted by the epicness of everything that has been shared so far, seriously extremely powerful stuff! :smiley:


I chant i channeled from Abbodon to call him into the temple, its potent and call all of the power of the abyss and the deeper pits of hell to initiate into the darkness and is useful with any rituals that have to do with darkness or the pit:

“Al-Ali Aliaaka Kalakata”


Many tongue n cheek incantations we take for granted now days like say “abracadabra”.

I’d say from the old Cinderella LP
“Sala-gadoola-menchicka-boo-la bibbidi-bobbidi-boo
Put 'em together and what have you got?

Sala-gadoola-menchicka-boo-la bibbidi-bobbidi-boo
It’ll do magic believe it or not

Now, Sala-gadoola means menchicka-boolaroo
But the thing-a-ma-bob that does the job is

Sala-gadoola-menchicka-boo-la bibbidi-bobbidi-boo
Put 'em together and what have you got?
Bibbidi-bobbidi, bibbidi-bobbidi, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.”

Looks a lot like gibberish but perhaps with enough intent a fairy godmother or blue-fairy could appear if evoked.

Hell… Peter Pan is more than likely a very nasty trickster spirit. He’s less harmful than say a Krampus but he still kidnaps children or lures them.

And what of Magicka De Spell

An Italian duck sorceress?


So far I have only done seasonal as marking change taking info from books and online and adjusting it every season and year and feeling the effects of Spirit in calling. For me we’re about to have summer solstice I call in Morgana and Cerunnous. Autumn & winter my favourite. I have not had the insight to call around communicare with Lucifer but i am looking forward to learning how. Other ritual are dark moon rites with Lilith the first time as she entered into felt taller powerful I felt every word of the incantation at the end She breathed out in knelt in gratitude and said thanks for coming. At the moment I am working on inviting Morrigane / Morgana (to me exactly the same) essence as an Evocation. I am still working my way to doing it correctly. Always so much to learn and experience. My goal after communication with Morgana is to have a deeper experience with Lilith and then to go further go darker. Darkness us where life begins light after all is the manifested reality we choose to live in.


“Talak tala menzu ikba tala mesoreth meenkata”

Demonic language healing mantra channeled from Fastos by @Micah.

There’s little effect when you begin, but it sort of “powers up” the more you chant it, so the stronger the effect becomes the more you use it. I’ve been chanting it for 20 minutes the last four days to help with a flu/cold that I can’t seem to kick and it is very helpful.


Is it pronounced as it looks?


Yes. That is how I’ve been pronouncing it.


Osana tu Mey Osey tama


Flue / Cold banishing is an very interesting thing, indeed.
I had one which i couldn’t banish directly with my regular healing spell “Heal-Leah Leah-Heal” (which really is just the word as an anagram, the power behind it is drawn from Marbas and Raphael, usually depending on the occasion and severeness i decide who to prioritize for invocation to draw the power into the spell.

  • recently i’ve even worked with Ophian - sorry i keep missing out the correct spelling, for those who try to look it up, it’s an Egg with a Snake around it, the original source from which the Medicine Staff with the snake ( Rod of Asclepius) later derived.)

Yet while i noticed my body being severely helped in it’s fight against the sickness,
due to being in a workplace where calling in sick is equal to being fired basically,
and also my own pride not allowing me to back down or commit any weakness…
I knew i was ready to take all means necessary to keep going.

Basically, the point here is, i’ve found myself going OOB and channeling Energy directly from the position of my HGA / higher self, down into my body, which gave me a strange audible sensation of basically hearing a constant stream of laser light, which made it pretty unquestionable to me that it worked.

I did that for a few minutes and turned into sleep.

i may have overdone it a little bit there,
after all a cold is simply some virus which attached into the body due to weakened immune system

  • or in this specific case - due to a colluege directly spitting his breath into my face “as a joke”,
    after spending a whole day outside in the wet-cold.
    “oh but i can’t be the source of you getting sick, i’m not sick myself.”
    well, it induced right after that, so tell yourself what you want, i know what happened. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cold / Flue should normally be healed by taking a week off and sleeping it out in fibric / sweaty warmth.
That’s the way of treating it which actually increases the defense of your body and it’s immune system,
so you’re immune after that for a while.

I’ve explained why that wasn’t an option for me in this specific case.

Regarding the colluege who caused my sickness - well, some day the others told me about him having went home after puking and asking for being allowed to finish up his shift which was simply denied with the argument of to much buisness going on right that moment.
He replied “Fuck you” to our boss and went home without permission.
Haven’t seen him since. :smiley:




Can this be used to treat lung inflammation and breathing problems along with physical exercises like yoga and diatary changes? @Micah


Try it.

Micah said it was an all around healing mantra so I’m going to say, yes.

However, if the lung inflammation and breathing problems are a chronic condition, there is another healing mantra for that here:


@Hermes thank you, awesome stuff

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Alright thank you
I got to say that it can be healed because I did some yoga inhaled steam and drink tea from herbs and it worked I am looking for a boost


I will try both actually
I will do a repeation of 20 of both
Before my yoga session


Have you noticed a shift for the better taking place?



in what?sorry i dont see in what thread you reply

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Zagan’s song

Itz ra ka’mola ra’mniola zagana Al zagan elta


i got rresults from doing this with the right exercise like yoga diet and and chanting this before a specific yoga asanas for lungs really works