In Agrippa: Planetary intelligence "good", spirit "evil". Why?

In Agrippa ([url=]Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 2)), he says consistently that intelligences are “good”, and the spirits are “evil” (or work towards these).

I do not understand why this is said, and its not revealed in the text why this would be.

Example: “…with an Intelligency to what is good, with spirit to what is evil”.

Can anyone shed some light on these distinctions by Agrippa and why they are used?

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Briefly, the answer is in Psellus. Also, look at Janua Magica Reserata - where it refers to Lucifer. The planetary, aerial, aqueous, terrestrial, and infernal spirits are not moral as some believe. The higher ranks of spirits which are called angels are concerned with higher ideals, but this again doesn’t cleanly divide into good and evil as many humans might presume.

Agrippa refers to some of these in chapt. 16-17, but not in an orderly manner; reading the other sources may help.

Thank you for the references, Student of Goetia.

Alright, Im seeing in Psellus that hes going into history and what other people thought, and insinuating they could be mistaken because they were pagan, or something. I skimmed it. Also theres no reference to “planet” anywhere.

Heres a better question, then:

In the standard colloquial definitions of “good” (beneficent or benevolent) and “evil” (malicious or malevolent) circa right now in the West, do those terms actually apply to planetary intelligences and planetary spirits respectively as seemingly is implied by Agrippa?

Or can those terms and the hard delineation between intelligences and spirits be called products of dogma and/or magickal theory that do not actually present themselves as such in actual practice?

More dogma in my opinion, but if it concerns you, you can pray to the angel of the planet for the answer.

Alright, Im seeing in Psellus that hes going into history and what other people thought, and insinuating they could be mistaken because they were pagan, or something. I skimmed it. Also theres no reference to "planet" anywhere.
You might try reading it again and observe how he divides the realms.

Or check the other reference I gave you which would explain it succinctly.

i.e. there is no clear division between “evil” and “good” realms. How then, can evil and good be working together with the same commanders and hierarchies?
Furthermore, it states over and over again that their offices are assigned by the Creator.