Imagination. Work for the development of a subtle vision. Techniques and literature

Practices have been going on and are still being conducted for at least 6 years and they are working, and if you have a developed imagination, then they will help you MUCH more in your practices and the stability of consciousness in dreams. If you initially have a headache, migraine, pain in the eyes and temples, then these are good signs, because it means you are doing everything right, it will pass in a short time. I don’t know about whether it develops the “third eye”, but you will definitely learn to feel deeper and see.
Positioning training
An important auxiliary training, which, apparently, needs to be successfully completed only once in a lifetime. You will have to work hard for a week or two, but not constantly and it will be clear when the training is successful and you can stop. Five to ten minutes a day mixed with other techniques is enough. Training helps to understand how external imagination looks like in general, and forever gives you the opportunity to work with scale, therefore it is better to perform it as early as possible before getting imagination, and presumably without doing it
it is impossible to learn to imagine from scratch at all. Feel the boundaries of vision in the current position of the head. Somewhere near the bones, on the edges of the eye sockets, is the edge of vision. Feel the top and bottom of the edge of vision. Do not move your head in the process, it is important to understand exactly the limits of vision in a certain position of the skull. Move your eyes up, down, left, right, look for those very boundaries. The field of view within the head position will be approximately oval in shape. Bring your eyes back to the center. Now we will measure the distances. Mentally. Left edge of the field of view = 0%. Center = 50%. Right edge of the field of view = 100%. We do the same for the top and bottom. Now you can measure the dimensions of visible objects and their position in X and Y without moving your head. For example, everyone on the tables has speakers or some such object. My left column is 12% to the left of the center (it comes out 38%, but you can also from the center, if it’s more convenient) and a couple of percent below the center. You can help yourself with your hands in the process, using them to understand distances. You still
can’t move your head. The column width is 4% of the field of view. For simplicity, think about how many such objects, not volumetrically, but as if flat projections on the retina of the eye, will fit into the field of view. Comes out 25 pieces. And now we close our eyes. And you need to accurately reproduce the center, the edges of the field of view, the height and dimensions of the object. If you can’t figure out abstractly where it should be, place your hands at such
a distance, as if showing, like a fisherman, how big a fish he caught, so that the object fits into the distance between the hands – visually, on the retina. It’s as if your field of view is a monitor with a game, and you highlight a 3D object with a 2D frame. When you finish counting, open your eyes. Mistakes, the object is in the wrong place and the wrong size! Sadness! And what do you want from imagination, if you don’t learn how to do it? Train to understand the dimensions. This is the essence of training. My position and size after closing my eyes already roughly coincide with the real object. Training is important!
Eye Focus Training
This is an important training of simple vision, without which even think about external imagination. You will have to repeat it in periods until you learn to imagine. The bottom line is
that people with external imagination are able to focus their closed eyes. You Don’t know how, most likely, so you’ll have to learn. Look at any object in space, just not at screens, inscriptions or printed products. With a fixed gaze, look for a couple of seconds. Abruptly close your eyes. Do you feel them stirring and the focus is off? When you open your eyes, focus it needs to be rebuilt. Moreover, you have to look for an object with your eyes if you are still bad at positioning training. The task is to learn not to lose focus for at least a few seconds. So that when you open it, you don’t have to focus again. Then, when it turns out, you need to learn to look into space with your eyes closed. So that they don’t “park” when their eyes are closed, but be have the same way and focus the same way as when their eyes are open. As if you had the opportunity to look through your eyelids, which you don’t have – teach your eyes to behave that way in advance. This technique is strictly mandatory for continuing education. With “parked” eyes, you will have no external imagination. And finally, for the future of IRL vision at high levels of imagination, you need to learn to look straight into the air and look for a certain black haze in it, which does not exist. And thus focus directly on any point in space. Which is empty. It’s like looking at the air one meter away from you, two meters away, etc. This is the most important thing, but you can postpone this training for now.
Training vision through and through
I don’t know at what point it will start working, but it started very early for me. We look at a black object, opaque, absorbing light. Or on a white matte. We are trying to see the boundaries of the object behind, for example, if the object was transparent, the edge of the table would be visible behind it. Try to make the objects behind
not too complicated and clearly sticking out from behind the edges of the object, make the task a verification of complexity. And then just look through. At first, you can look at the object behind just like that, then, without losing the focus of your eyes, turn your vision to black
object. You will have to suffer for a long time, figuring out how to look straight through
a black object, concentrating the focus of vision on the object behind. And lo and behold, suddenly you begin to see. Not on the first day, maybe. But you can see the continuation of the object behind the right inner object. In 3D, you can even move your head and continue to see three-dimensionally. At the level of vision of the border, no more. It is very strange, but you will really see it, it will not seem like something
like “imagined”, no, you will look at it and see. Over time , it begins it seems that all objects in the world are actually slightly transparent. And one has only to want and look closely, as you begin to see what’s behind.

Eye closing technique
For people with a weak imagination. I suspect that it is impossible to advance further without this technique, but it is so difficult and long to explain it that just take my word for it, it will be useful in the future and exciting now. Do you know how to close your eyes? Of course not. I’ll teach you. The master class starts. You can close your eyes Quickly and Very Quickly, getting a different effect. Very Fast is even faster than you can do right now. Well, in general, as fast as it is possible in principle. Look at the object, focus your eyes on it, Quickly close them without
defocusing. One of three things happens:

  1. You screwed up and your eyes were unfocused. In this case, a blurry and unfinished picture of the world as a whole will flash for a fraction of a second. This is useful for 2. You have not lost focus and the subject has been preserved more or less in the form of
  2. You managed not only not to lose the image of the object, but also to strengthen it
    by getting a three-dimensional detailed positioned and For some reason, it’s easiest to get glaring small metal objects like door handles. It is incredibly difficult or impossible to save what is depicted on the screen, inscriptions, drawings or printing. Only three-dimensional small objects. So, to save graphics, it is useful to close your eyes Quickly and Very Quickly. The trick of a very quick closure is that the brain is not ready for it yet and several. This happens in a fraction of a second after a very fast closing of the eyes. Procedure The quick closing has time to pass approval by all authorities and everyone is already ready in advance. So Very Fast at first is the best option, but requires focus on the subject. It is better to keep landscapes just Fast, besides, this is not a deception of the brain, but a full-fledged workout, it should not be neglected during a prolonged pumping Landscapes and “still lifes” from a bunch of objects can be viewed simply by Quickly closing, moving your gaze over them if the picture lingers long enough. But we need to come to terms with the idea that only the center is preserved more or less clearly, there is a blurry something around the edges. If you do not accept, then the picture will fall apart, because improvements will be required, which a weak imagination cannot give. It will prefer to cut down the graphics, well, or die from overheating, if such an analogy is appropriate. Continuing the story of brain deception – over time, you can learn to start
    opening the eyes and immediately interrupting it. Thus, if you close your eyes Very quickly, a completely reliable picture will remain for a while, and as soon as it starts to fade, you give a signal to open your eyes and immediately block this opening, the picture is displayed a second time, restoring and enhancing the original. That’s how I learned to see 3D models. The goal of the training is to learn how to hold the called schedule for as long as possible.Repetitions will give everything. It is built on the previous technique. Especially on combinations of the maximum number of tricks. Use as strong versions of the eye-closing technique as possible with a minimum interval between applications, reduce this interval to half a second or even more. So that reality and imagination constantly continue to alternate, and even at such a speed that the brain will no longer be able to distinguish one from the other. Over time, it becomes harder and harder for him to understand this and somehow it doesn’t matter. “A. I’m looking somewhere. Is this reality or
    imagination? My honor has been violated. I am no longer an accurate instrument of cognition of the world.” Indeed, shortening the interval leads to a loss of the ability to recognize
    one and the other. As a result, the ability to work with the imagination continues to increase. And to what extent – I do not know myself, as I have already said, my imagination has not developed to high levels. For now. Finally, I’ll give you a way to get a hallucination. Use the technique of replacing reality on any one object lying on a table or other large free surface, and at some point in time, having prepared everything in advance, close your eyes for a long time, fixing the focus on the subject. Next, without moving the eyes in the sockets and without losing focus, move the body to the left or right, making sure that the focus could be superimposed on the table without problems, i.e. without changing the distance from the head to the table. Open your eyes and the object memorized by the tired brain is generated in the same place where it was generated for the last few minutes, well, minus the fact that there is no real object there… Protective mechanisms are being cut in, systems are screeching, the picture is malfunctioning, a stable feeling of the roof’s exit and animal horror rises from the depths of the mind. It’s a hallucination. On the same principle, but easy and without violence, an overlay on reality
    is built for people of the 3rd level of imagination who want to grow up to the 4th level. Closing
    eyes, fixing the picture, turn your head and open your eyes. With a developed imagination, the fixed picture should try to fit into a new
    environment, well, or it can be helped with this. This will teach you how to take the first steps to
    superimpose on the real world, although the technique is more complicated.
    The Dark World

    The technique is completely based on working with eye focus and darkness. You will either need to stay overnight, or set an alarm every day, or find a place where it is completely dark, the contours of objects are vaguely discernible. This is the first time, then you will need a 100% dark room. First, let’s check if you need it at all. Close your eyes. Try to look around you through your eyelids. Is the world around you visible? If that’s the case, then you’re too cool for this guide. If that doesn’t work, repeat the same thing in the dark, closet, or room without light. Still not coming out? OK, the guide is for you. Light harms the imagination. For example, imaginative children are afraid of the dark, seeing the
    outlines of monsters in it, but they are not afraid of bright light, although visibility in it is also
    bad. Focusing closed eyes (see above). Let’s try to hook the picture. In the dark (not absolute – the first time of training in low light), look at the object brighter – a light shade. In really dark lighting, there are no colors, except for the illusion of blue, if you see them, so you have a developed imagination, google the device of the eye, this can’t be.
    Fix your eyes, close them quickly, trying not to lose focus. Doesn’t work? Try to do it slowly. Pay special attention to attempts to cover the object
    with half of the eyelid, trying to see the invisible part remaining on top. Even if it doesn’t work, it’s okay, it’s just a way to find the right
    distance. About the accessibility distance.
    Let’s take as zero the point where you feel – about behind your eyes. For maximum
    we will take the distance at which you can interact with the world with your hands without
    pulling them out – for example, take an object without any problems. Comfort zone, personal
    space. The trick of seeing external imagination is that it still doesn’t simulate real distances with the help of eye focus, at least on a small level. The eyes should be focused at about ½ or ¾ of the distance. Closing your eyes in the dark, try to look exactly at this distance, seeing the world there. Is it really not working? It’s hard to explain and even harder to understand. Especially for someone who hasn’t seen an imaginary world.
    In general, try to see the world from different distances. Not necessarily where it really is. People with the best imagination say that their eyes focus when they look, but not in the same way as when looking at the real world. It was as
    if they had to be focused at different distances to look at the same objects. The objects under their very noses do not require anything else
    the focus of vision than objects that are far away. Look under your nose and you will see what is in the distance.
    The most important thing in the imagination is to fixate on it. A sense of the importance of what you are looking at. And again, the language is not suitable for describing what is happening, it
    is difficult to understand, turn on the right hemisphere when reading. The more important what you focus on, the more real it is and the more accurately it exists. For example, you see a dark blurry spot – light and shadows slightly
    break through the eyelids. Focus on what this place should be like. While maybe you still don’t have enough imagination, more on that later. In the meantime, watch. Is it a piece of furniture? The shadow cast? What are you looking at? You can say it out loud, in some cases such concretization helps with imagination. It’s even better to tell someone about what you see. It’s really great- talk to a bunch of people. This increases the importance and real existence
    How long have you been paying attention to the patterns on people’s clothes? Patterns on tiles or wallpaper in a public place? It’s like they don’t exist. Believe me, people just don’t see them, their imagination forms something blurry in their head, because the patterns are insignificant. And only a person who is seriously engaged in these patterns, such as a designer, sees them. Others don’t see them at all. In their perception, these meaningless things do not exist. That’s why they don’t see them. You attach importance to something with your attention, visual imagination when carefully examined. The black world is good because you really are what you see, and it really exists, it is impossible to deny this fact. Therefore, look not at “something”, but at what you see. Blurry, dark. Increase
    the importance. In the world of imagination, a tree falling in the forest does not make a sound. There is no one there who could give
    this sound a meaning. Fixation does not last long, up to several minutes. Being in the dark, I
    see the surrounding space for two or three minutes, then I get tired and just go blind. It’s dark all around. I will rest – and the picture will be restored. So don’t try to drive yourself to exhaustion, it doesn’t make any sense. Keep visiting. At some point you will realize that the shadows you see are too little like the
    real-looking one. The first suspicions of imagination. There will be many doubts,
    especially about the band between the eyelids – when you try to focus your eyes, they open a little, and the light passing through them gives part of the image. So, it’s time to move on to a completely dark room. I do not recommend a blindfold, because it presses, making it difficult to concentrate, plus the mind will be absolutely sure that it is impossible to see something, the eyes are blocked. Don’t be surprised if there is no progress at all. Even the faintest illusion is necessary to look at the real world.
    Go to the pantry /bathroom/ cave (there are many caves near each city, I’m in RPG seen). Look with your eyes wide open. Do you see anything? Shadows? Light? If something is visible in absolute darkness, then in fact it is not visible. It’s not hard to believe. I still don’t believe I don’t see the real world. I stretch out my hand, feel – but there is nothing there that I see. But I believe in The best way is to turn around many times after entering the room, then in the opposite direction. Then start observing. By this time, you are guaranteed not to know where everything is. Do you see anything? Stretch out your hand and feel. Oh. Yes, it’s imagination. Wonderland looks like this. Our primitive. Welcome to the real Black World. Viewing in general, I did not write about the significance of the above in vain. If you are already making some progress, it’s time to think about improving. It is better to look at the world as a whole, rather than at the object you are looking at right now. And once again – remember about ½, ¾, you need to look for peace on at a distance from where it is best seen. Fix your attention on it, think about what you see, by any means available.It is also important that peripheral vision is more easily amenable to external
    imagination.Looking at the world as a whole greatly simplifies your task, because the edges are much more likely to be detailed than the center. When you can focus your attention properly, just practice every day until you can easily get into the Black World every time it’s dark around. And feel it with your own hands to discover its illusory and imaginary nature.
    How to work more efficiently?
    To work with imagination and forcing, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions: it is advisable to temporarily stop communicating with people from the “outside”
    world and the Internet in order to focus on the process, be calm, collected and solve all your mental and internal problems, or learn
    to put up with them, otherwise the unconscious will work poorly or refuse to cooperate After creating the conditions, it is necessary to organize a competent brain nutrition. Basically, it requires slow carbohydrates to work, they are also low glycemic index. Everything necessary is produced from them. Fast carbohydrates, they are sugars, they are products with a high glycemic index, do not help so well because of the uneven impact. Roughly speaking, when
    consuming sweets (including fruits), the body increases the work of insulin to accelerate the absorption of carbohydrates, as a result, most of
    it turns into fat folds, the smaller one helps the brain work. This impact is uneven, transient, and, as a result, part of the time of the day you will have a good “burst” of brain work, and part of the time it will be deprived of the necessary
    substances. Slow carbohydrates are so called because they are absorbed slowly and
    gradually supply the brain with everything necessary. There will be no failures, depression,
    communication problems, decline, and, of course, unnecessary problems with imagination.
    The consumption of carbohydrates with high GI and low GI mixed leads to mixed ones. Your new imagination technique did not work out, and you will blame the technique for this, although in
    practice the fact is that there were not enough carbohydrates.The issue is solved by a complete transition to slow carbohydrates, at the same time you will lose weight if there’s a problem with that. Once a day, you need to consume 150 + grams of products with slow carbohydrates – this is oatmeal, millet, barley, in general, everything is popular, except corn. Also suitable as a source of low-glycemic carbohydrates are pasta made from second-grade flour (peeled, or buckwheat noodles) and bread made from second-grade flour. Yes, you need to look into the composition, and not believe a large inscription. Ignore any “healthy” foods with sugar in the composition. Also, many people react badly to disruptions in the sleep schedule. If you have such problems, you will have to train yourself to sleep at the same time.
    BY C.G. Jung – Memories, Dreams, Reflections. As someone who has read a lot of Jung, I recommend exactly this from his work, although the book seems to be autobiographical. But it is the personal view of this person’s life, his visions, hallucinations, the birth of the idea of Active Imagination that helps to understand the essence of the work as closely and humanly as possible. Many examples of the work of imagination are given.Actually, the biographical part of the book is almost not important, and little attention is paid to it, mainly it is an autoanalysis of Jung’s psyche. This man is quite light and pleasant (you can see for yourself in the video of the TV show with him), so the book
    is quite fascinating compared to the others.
    C.G. Jung is a Man and his symbols. Traditionally, Jung’s first recommended book.
    In my opinion, there is simply very little information there, there is nothing like a list
    of at least the main, most frequently encountered archetypes. It is those who have read this book that cover the Internet with nonsense about the fact that all the unconscious is Anima and Animus, well, and other amateurishness. It is harmful to read separately from other things, in short.
    C.G. Jung – Psychological types. There is a lot of useful information that is excellent and useful in everything to someone who already knows a lot about their nature. There are
    many descriptions of visions, hallucinations of people of the past and contemporaries of the author. With a good knowledge of the match, it is a storehouse of knowledge that can be used properly.Jung is mostly very hard to read, so I recommend cheating and listening to him in
    the form of audiobooks. It immediately becomes easy and pleasant. Finally, I will clarify that the cabin boy many people call it esoteric, although it doesn’t matter.
    Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit is not about imagination, but about habits and organizational of work, will help with forcing and training imagination, solve problems with a bunch of plugs. In essence, it is a simplified version of Castaneda’s stalking techniques, but
    it is not esoteric, which is a plus for many. Comrades are lazy or do not know what
    to do if they can not adjust themselves or organize an approach to business and how
    Carlos Castaneda, collected works – it makes no sense to consider the books separately, they need to be read in their entirety. Many things are refuted or clarified in the course of reading, it is not necessary to draw conclusions from the first books. Books change the worldview very much, this is a compound feed from the world of esotericism: with it, the fur of your
    pet Warrior will be smooth and silky, he will play and jump like a kitten, because books contain all the nutrients necessary for the growing esoteric brain, from working on himself - stalking – to the ability to bend everyone in the dota – Way The hunter. It helps to break through the Barrier, you almost stop believing in reality. Readers are divided into three camps: those who certainly believe the plot, who consider the books fake, and those who believe, that Don Juan is a fiction, like the whole plot, but the techniques there are real and C.C. really traveled around Mexico, asking shamans. The latter seems to me
    the most likely, take at least ollie, allies, etc. – the first two books say that they are a rod from all the cracks and form an important part of the life of any magician, in the remaining nine books there is not a single mention of these creatures. It seems that the plot was invented to make it easier for us to read, and it worked: the books are amazingly light and interesting. ~70% of the techniques described there work, the remaining ~ 30% I have not checked, because they are too complicated. I do not recommend reading the latest book, Magical Passes. She has a murky origin story and looks useless. For those under the age of 22-23, I strongly do not recommend reading Castaneda, it will break your life. In general, it is not worth reading to someone who is against esotericism and does not want
    to risk his mind . So, after reading Castaneda I am seriously sure that the visible reality is collective the fantasy that Flyers exist (I saw them before reading, but didn’t know the name these pieces), and the world with the creatures that enslave us – too. And that a being from another world visited me personally. And that our world is the creation of an Eagle. And people are like cattle on a farm under the control of an alien mind. Do you still want to read C.C.? Have you changed your mind?
    Theodule Ribot, Creative Imagination - Exists only in the format of a scan of a book in pre-revolutionary Russian, well, or English. Theodule Ribot cites some idea of a “dreamer”, a person to whom the conscious, real world is less more important than the unconscious. This is enough: weakening the power of reality gives strength to the unconscious. Then, suddenly, follows almost word for word the idea of the assemblage point and the luminosity of awareness from Castaneda, although he was not yet born at that time. And it is described exactly the same, except that not by different positions of the assemblage point, but as if by different people, which you become as the luminosity moves
    after the point. Such “crossovers”, when suddenly the author quotes another author
    who lived millennia or decades later, using approximately the same images and metaphors, although they are unfamiliar with each other, have always fascinated in psychoanalysis, psychology, religion and esotericism. You start to think that our world is an interesting place.
    Let’s say Castaneda could get acquainted with this, but how can Indians know the Way of Tao or
    ancient Hindus – psychoanalysis… Such coincidences happen. In general, the further you move away from the normal assembly towards another version of yourself, the closer you are to the world of the unconscious, which is hidden from you in the normal state. But someone’s assemblage point is mobile (Castaneda’s books claim that it is – all women because of their common origin with the universe. Psychoanalysis explains the same from
    other positions, I have this in the post below), and someone initially is far from the position of “a person without imagination”. In short, the assemblage point needs to be shaken, I
    learned how to do it, the simplest thing is to reach a Place Without Pity, I’m good at this, m–yes. Then – for many months to fix the achieved position in the habits, if it is necessary, or to learn to move the point.
    You don’t see the world. Seriously. Maximum – a small area in front of you, everything the rest is imagination. The defocusing there is such that you don’t actually see anything outside of this area, except for blurring. Except for moving objects, but another mechanism is responsible for this. Graphics in games, as they improve, spoil the impression of the visual part.
    Blurred textures, fog, weak drawing and detailing force the imagination to finish building the picture or give the impression (relevant for afantasia) that you are looking at the completed picture. The better the graphics, the worse the graphics!

Levels of visual imagination
0. Aphantasia. Inability to see anything. After closing the eyes, there is an instant
emptiness and a black screen. After waking up, there are no images and hallucinations.
Even in a state of extreme fear, nothing is imagined. There are no

  1. Rudimentary imagination. The ability to see certain images after closing the eyes
    for some scanty time, or the ability to imagine blurred figures, a sheet
    of paper indistinctly. Develops rapidly from training. There is almost no color as such.
    Volume is possible. It is often possible to represent one object in detail. Things happen,
    something is imagining or “seemed”.
  2. Controlled imagination. The ability to hold
    images or blurred figures in space in front of you for a few seconds. There is no normal color.
    Theoretically, it is possible to see the whole world, but there is no quality.
  3. Good imagination. Color vision, not necessarily accurate. A stable picture of the world after closing your eyes and the ability to work with it. The ability to watch movies from memory or create moving pictures without much difference with reality in quality, only in the accuracy and size of the imaginary “screen”.
  4. Realistic imagination. The opportunity to visit an imaginary world
    visible around the body, or to see something with open eyes, on top of the real world,
    in the manner of a sprite in games. It is often possible to apply an image to a real object, such as a drawing on a wall, by the power of reason.
  5. Embodying imagination. You can transform reality any way you want.
    buildings, replace people with elves or devils, hang UFOs in the sky. The imaginary world completely covers the field of view and is realistically audible. It does not develop itself without training from anyone. As a rule, they train in childhood. Such people only complain about problems with lighting and shadows on the real world from objects being added. Imaginary friends are the usual companion of their childhood.
  6. Uncontrolled overimage. At this level, a person ceases to control what is happening. The imaginary comes to life and seizes control itself
    when it sees fit. Any stress and fear, not to mention substances, can lead to dangerous hallucinations. It is already difficult to call such people completely mentally healthy. Their life is a struggle for the preservation of reason.
  7. True hallucinations. It is believed that without substances can occur only in
    a schizophrenic who has already lost his mind and, moreover, is initially problematic. There is no way to distinguish hallucinations from reality, even by touching them with your hands. Snakes
    falling from the ceiling and a non–existent fire are popular incidents in the lives
    of such people. They do not meet outside of psychiatric hospitals, they are too dangerous for others and themselves.
    You can be between two levels, these are just approximate milestones on the way.
    Uncontrolled external imagination, which is discussed below. It is located from the standpoint of science inside the head, formed by the brain. See the post. From the standpoint of esotericism, approximately the same
    situation is a reality formed by the mind.
  8. External imagination (hallucination)
    Editing the real world. Representation in the external imagination –
    hallucination, as it is called in English. texts are the same real world, which is simply not consistent with other people, and, usually, with some sensors, at least it will not be possible to feel what is presented as real. When
    the eyes move during the presentation, the picture feels no different from the real one.
    Nothing. Generally. Unless at a weak level of imagination, it will be blurry, poorly textured, and poorly lit.…Weak external imagination – glitches, “seemed”, “imagined” and so on.Strong external imagination – the ability to edit the real world as
    you like. Generally. The difference is that other people don’t see this edit, it’s personal.
    Afterimage – picture after closing the eyes
    Analog of computer hang-up. If the frames have not been rendered for some time, the last rendered frame hangs on the screen. You may get the impression that this is something else. But people without imagination cannot edit this frame. People with a developed imagination can take it to one of the views and edit it there’s why not. For the development of one of the types of imagination by itself is not suitable.
    In patients with aphantasia, it is absent as a class.
  9. Sleep and lucid dreaming
    The LD is controlled dreams. Sometimes they are divided into lucid – conscious, but almost
    uncontrollable – and completely controlled, but the nature of the phenomenon is the same. At the time – the manual is Good, Laberge and in general the bulk.
    Surface lucid dreaming can be said to control the graphics of dreams in a state of very light sleep. Without any other advantages. But it is easy to call, unlike the LD, and you can do it in half an hour, or even faster. But it’s still a dream, not an imagination.
  10. Post-sleep vision
    A synthetic technique invented by me. It is a dreamy representation, the remnants of a dream, inscribed in a weak external imagination, as if
    stretched over a skeleton. It is necessary for specific purposes in the treatment of aphantasia.
  11. Burn on the retina
    Popular rake. Spots remaining on the retina of the eye after closing the eyes when
    looking at the light bulb. From all sides and as objectively as possible, this is
    definitely not imagination. Yes, absolutely. Yes, exactly. And it’s also harmful.
    Mental imagination
    Representation of the sensations of looking at something instead of generating a real picture.
    The difference is like between seeing a thing and feeling like you’ve seen it. The eyes
    do not move, this is the most important difference. The graphics are not real, it’s just a feeling, and it makes itself felt.
    Afantasers are often unaware that someone has other methods of representation.
    The real work of imagination, somehow in the plot of the movie, they call “hallucination”.
    A weak mental representation develops itself in everyone. You can’t survive without it.
    Responsible for calculating distances and interactions with objects. For example, for
    the ability to hit a thrown ball in the right direction. How do you figure out where the ball will hit? In this way. A strong mental representation generates sensations from looking at amazing things, which allows you to imagine more powerfully than in other types
    of imagination, because you do not need to draw a genuine picture. You can look at at least
    billions of objects – it’s just the feeling of looking, but reliable.
  12. The Nagual, the magical reality
    I saw it once, I won’t say much. Sensations are physically different from imagination the fact that you look like the periphery of vision, but suddenly this periphery begins to look at the center and there you see something. The guide to it is, in principle, all Castaneda’s books.
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marking for future reading

I’ll admit I find these sorts of things interesting. I usually try to make these sorts of practices part of a process that includes manifestation, so I may try and tinker about.


What have you to say about using a blindfold to induce trance?

I want to use a blindfold and something to make me temporarily deaf.