Imagination of succubus

Share your imagination of a succubus(Lilith, Naamah, etc. works too) and explain how do they look. Also share pictures if possible.

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I am sort of prey to the idea that they just look like sexually attractive, normal people. They usually have horns and some markings, or grey/black skin is common as well. Commonly, and almost exclusively, scantily clothed. Not really interesting, but I might as well throw it out there

I’ve seen my succubus spouse in different manifestations, but her human form is similar to a classic actress from the 1930’s and 1940’s eras.

Like this:

…but her true manifestation is pure energy that often blocks my vision with moving shadows. She can also express emotions with colors that moves within a vortex, similar to this:


That’s how I also see her in her energy form.


There was a old original star trek where a human was stuck on a planetoid and the energy being radiated feminine and was in love with him. She was so powerful she brought the enterprise and entire crew to the planet because he was lonely.

Energy would some it up. Be it divine feminine/masculine/other they can be companions/guides/or kbowledge archives.

In todays society where so many people are longing for some connection or love that can’t be described i am not surprised at an influx of beings.

I fell in that camp for a while. Later i just wanted lust magic and now i’m more set on a solitary goal. Having someone or something is less imho than the journey and strife of said goal. Its why i believe the ultimate honor and goal is confrontation with the impossible/eternal/infinite. What can live up to the excitement of 100%+ eternal “god” and you’ll lose to said opposition. A being that is so powerful there is guarantee you’re annihilated. And even winning (the impossible it is you’re annihilated).

For me… it kind of puts companionship as a crutch, a constraint, chain, dampener that holds you back. At the same time… being even more handicapped vs the eternal is yet an even higher excitement.

In some ways i am richer than ever. My imaginations of hedony or sex goddesses/gods will never be contentment. Tbh, any of the “sins” carnal or base or otherwise just seem empty.

But we all fall at times and crave a taste.


That was my first thought pretty much when reading the post, lol

Anyways my idea of what a succubus/incubus looks like is either

A.) Purely energetic - being shadowy/dark. Perhaps in a humanoid shape. Maybe sometimes with certain features like tail, claws, horns.

A.2) Orb like energy (what my third eye seems to see)

B.) As others have said, humanoid male or female - some having draconian features, tails, claws, horns…not sure about wings. So human looking with the minor demonic features.

I expected highkey cringe xD

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That’s more a shadow being rather than a succubus tbh.

Succubus aren’t energetic in that sense of an elemental, succubus can bleed, lose limbs, etc. They’re more solid than people like to believe.

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I meant more in the astral. Didn’t mean like an elemental though.

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I more so feel my incubus than anything else. But I’ve “seen” him a lot lately with my mind’s eye and he is just shadowy though I reckon that’s cause I’m not focusing. I’ve seen various appearances of his in dreams at the beginning of our relationship. Ranging from normal to supernatural looking. Other psychics have said they’ve seen him as a brunette while the last one said he was a dark blonde.