I'm New! ... And Protected by an Unknown Guide?


I was extremely attracted to the community and the knowledge this forum shares and knew this would be a good place for me to discuss all kinds of questions that I have.

I’m under what I believe to be the protection of something… But I don’t know what.

I suppose I’ll begin with a breif history of my dealings in the Occult…

From a young age, I remember seeing and hearing things. I mostly heard voices, it was rare but I always knew it was not from my world (parents, conversations outside, the tv etc…). When I occasionally DID see things, they were always shadows and it was as if I was never able to get a good look at them. I could only describe it as struggling to open my eyes to see.

Fast forward to my teenage years… I became heavily interested in the dark side of the Occult, call it teengae rebellion if you will. I strayed from Christianity and found myself somewhere between Atheism and Satanism. I am still in that boat to this day. I was in LOVE with the movie The Exorcist and found myself seeking this kind of dark contact, why that was the case I still cannot explain myself. I have always found myself rooting for the “villain” I as knew there was a deeper understanding to their damned state and felt empathy towards their stories. I began making my own Ouija boards and got to the point where I could just channel the energy through my finger and speak. It was always the same entitiy. At first it was nice, claiming to be an old man from my town who had passed (there was an obituary that I found) but as time went on it was possessive and would frighten me. I found myself in the worst 7 years of my life after that, mental and physical health problems galore. I fully believe it was my careless and poorly informed dabbling that caused this.

After those 7 years, I have found myself and have become stronger than ever. I’ve noticed changes in psychic abilities too. I can predict simple things such as songs coming up and more complicated things such as answers to questions I couldn’t possibly know. One example of this is when I watch Ghost Adventures, when they ask a question to a spirit I have the answer pop in my head before they recieve it in the show. I have been practicing Wicca on and off, presenting offerings and asking for guidance from the Triple Goddess as I connect deeply with feminine energy and empowerment. Sometimes she answers, sometimes a clearly male energy takes over and literally snuffs out the candle of the feminine. I practice sex magic as I am deeply in tune with my sexuality and the power I hold with my sexuality is practiced and utilized daily. I feel that is my strongest energy in this world. I also believe I am an empath, I take on energies and emotions FULLY, to the point where I felt the cancer in my family memeber’s stomach. With that, I find it hard to control my energy, I have nights where I cannot control my harshness and I can be quite cruel out of the anger I hold for certain things in my life (career, education, relationships). I am ruled by and quite similar to fire. I’m a Sagittarius (for those who find meaning in this) and I truly do warm or burn like a flame. I am working on finding the path to channeling my energy and finding the balance with it. I know I am a powerful, individual, I need to start owning my power so that I don’t continue to create roadblocks for myself.

This brings me to my question. Who is with me?
I have experienced nasty little attacks but it was nothing spiritually harmful, just ghosts being crusty. But I am noticing more and more every day that something is looking out for me. I have too many things work out in my favour for it to be pure luck. But there’s always a price, usually emotional drainage and my outbursts of emotions. I want to know who this entity is. I never feel afraid or harmed. But they’re elusive. I’ve tried everything I have knowledge of to find this out but I don’t have a definitive answer. I am still very much a baby witch, so my resources and abilities are limited. I don’t think this entity is good or bad but there is a distinct darkness to them. A darkness I deeply resonate with. A very spiritually strong friend of mine was taken aback by how quickly I absorbed dark energy and loved it. I guess I’m asking for help in identifying who is with me. In my brief research, I have found many similarities and a draw towards Lilith, but I don’t know if this is who is with me. I probably haven’t given enough information to narrow it down to a distinct name or energy but if you think you may know, please say it! I am open to conversations and suggestions on how I may go about identifying who this entity is.

Thank you so much for reading all of this <3


Welcome to the balg forum :bomb::bomb::boom:


Hello! Thank you :grin:

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This screams parasitic action,I would banish and banish again :smiley::smiley: but I assume you did that already?

Oh it was a paraiste alright… I should clarify, the attacks were from something else in a different place I lived! I got a good friend of mine to banish it and leave me alone shortly after it happened. I believe in using Sage as a means to purify myself and have done this a few times and to my new home. What I am experiencing now feels very different to me.


This is exactly same with me when i was 12
“I began making my own Ouija boards and got to the point where I could just channel the energy through my finger and speak. It was always the same entitiy”
and I was always in tune with psychic big time, I even experienced my future self when i was really young i cant rememebr the age but it was like, idk how to explain i was looking in a car mirror and something happene where i seen myself in the future i still ememebred that and then not long ago (last year) I ended up having a moment where i could tell i was in between a dimensional shift or something anyway I experienced my concioussnes connect back to that moment and it was lie that past moment from the present moment i was in somehow , iti can’t explain it but it was something… and before that i dont rememebr if it was the same day or what cuz time is fuckin crazy for me and especially in that house i was living i had my experience with immortality where i had almost got electricuted somehow by ssome outlet tht was powering everything in my room, this happened like idk 10+ times over a short spa of time like over and oever almost getting electricuted but not and it was like wtf but i was also painting and not totally conciouss of what as happening as i think iw as in a whole way higher dimension at this poiint/the last spark actually touched my finger and it should have been enough to electrocute me maybe to death? idk it was a power outlet from the wall powering my whole room (lights/christmas lights/computer/tv/ps3/ and it touched my finger i seen it and felt it, it felt like nothing but a static electricity nothhing heappened . it was like miracle after miracle after mirace and then that last one was purely something else… this all the same nigh i ended up painting oil paint hat i ended up sdrawing a tarot card after from a new deck i had that i wasnt familiar with yet (my first too) and it ended up being such a close resemblence to the painting .

Also “I practice sex magic as I am deeply in tune with my sexuality and the power I hold with my sexuality is practiced and utilized daily. I feel that is my strongest energy in this world.”

“. I am ruled by and quite similar to fire.(tho I’m Aries) and I truly do warm or burn like a flame.”

I am to, to the point I burned my house down in a state of psychosis/suicide attempt
the same one all the miracles and my whole spiritual awakening and all sort sof crazy shit i won’t go into atm
I’m just gona leave it at that for now
BTW I’m Lord Gunk/Raven Crowley/EPOEP/whatever you wanna call me
I’m new here nice to meet everyone.

I have a lot more I can say but I don’t want to go on and on and on, I will introduce myself with this in a new thread later since i haven’t

i wish i was sure if i was me that always never was alive enough to have something ever at all to treat the eyes of ladies and guys intermission or not i am nothing to this world that plays with me like a gunk eye joe internally extiting poison clouds of rotten demon lifeforms of memories of nothing but shit that spontaniously decides to lead itself through holes in my eyes that form anti-matter inviting me with me sick surprise taking on my role of host as it cries in joy to be alive in a world that my heart is too big to fit so it condensed into a rock in a toilet flushing around the sewers of my life emphasized endless flushing neon brown anal piss streams feeding thirsty toilet wishing well of the past dreams swish away with lifetimes missed in hell
out down my throat into the gut under the bones of my undead limbo circus pride
black cloud of smog that is more pleasant to people than my tomorrow
dead rotten rigor mortis tightly sealing abscess opening to surprise with aesthetic illusions of beauty, enticing sparkles of life wasted like time over and inside says the wise man underwater as the desert dries
the dead futures through a pair of porn torn sores that cry putrid pus tears worthy of the pulitzer prize

You have to make your own introduction thread.

Please do, cheers! :+1:

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Welcome you have advanced instinct i suggest you invoke a demon or contact your higher self and ask him whats going you get an answer that satysfie you

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Hello! Thank you for your feedback. How might one go about invoking a demon/contacting their higher self?

Have you received any visions or strange dreams with a certain animal or person, if so can you describe one of them, have you received any strange burn marks in rows of three?

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I’ll do that, thank you!!

I have just recently found a mark of three on my body, however it’s not a burn. Ever since I was a child I’ve gotten this one patch of exema on a very specific spot on my arm. I have just noticed a new spot that has never been a problem that is in the mark of three and looks distinctly like fingerprints. I pretty consistently dream of a woman who I feel a slight aversion to but I am always feeling I am forced or inclined to be near her. I’m usually invited over to her house or I am seated with her somewhere. She has dark hair, pretty, mid 30’s-40’s and I’m always extremely drawn to her. But we have not actually spoken one on one, there’s a mediator of someone I know from my personal life who can speak to her and about her but I can’t seem to be able to yet.

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Is the woman dressed in black?

Is this what the marks look like?

I can’t remember what she wore to the exact detail, but her clothing was definietly darker.

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No, mine are circular. like fingertips if that makes sense?

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Thanks for the reply. Are the circular marks similar to this image?

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You aren’t being protected by an unknown spirit guide and I understand your confusion. You said you have been seeing visions and haunted since childhood with many signs, although there are many theories out there, this does sound like a generational hex placed on your parents or even grandparents that has transcended to you. Demons once sent to destroy someone with black magic want to destroy any happiness, the most important thing in a parents life are there children, hence the visions and harassment. From what your describing with your visions and the red marks, it sounds like Lucifer who has acceded to this hex.

The three marks are signs of the pagan trinity, earth, fire, water and are signs that whatever was forming has matured to a different and higher level with physical signs. If I were you I would focus on shielding rituals.

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Hello! Yes that’s what mine looked like. They’ve significantly gotten better since I have done some personal cleansing and protection things for myself!

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