I'm New and here's my Introduction

Hi everyone.

My name is Mish and I’m a huge fan of everything to do with Magick and the Occult. I’ve just bought 5 books from the Galleries of Magick and I look forward to contributing and participating in the forums with my own experiences and results from my experiences. Thanks everyone :slight_smile:



Do you have any experience in magick, or are you a beginner?

What areas of magick are you interested in?

My experience in so far has been mostly with Candle Magick which i’ve been practising for about three years now, I suppose that kind of makes me a beginner. I’ve been experimenting with Solomon’s pentacles and ways to incorporate them into my spells. I’ve always been into the Occult and I’m still trying to learn as much as I possibly can. Right now I’m interested in ‘The Demon’s of Magick’ which I’ve just started reading. Hopefully I’ll be posting more about that in a few of the forums soon.


Thank you for elucidating a bit more on your experience, and again, welcome :slight_smile:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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Welcome :blush:

Welcome to the forum. I hope you find all that you seek here.