I'm in need of a protection spell, ritual or sigil

You know when you’ve just got that gut feeling that you’re in line for an incoming shitstorm?
Yeah, that’s me right now :sweat_smile:

Although my divination points otherwise, I just can’t shake it.
I vaguely recall reading a ritual in s book somewhere to make you invisible to an enemy… I’m thinking something along those lines would be ideal?
Or something to keep me out of harm’s way.

Any suggestions are appreciated!

Are you under attack, or do you just feel like you are under attack?

You can try the seal I channelled from Raziel. It’s not meant to be a bulletproof shield or anything, but it is meant to restore balance, so it may help your anxiety.

I don’t feel under attack right now, but I feel like something is coming. That impending doom situation if that makes sense?

I’ll give it a go!

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i get the impression you got some nasties around. This stuff happened to me too. It’ll be hell or kinda weird, for a bit, until you get control over it. Good luck.

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