I'm Gone

I’m out for a while, maybe permanent. Haven’t been here that long, but I’ve gotten to know and like some of you. If you want to stay in touch hit me up on Facebook or twitter. I’ve enjoyed the debates, the new info I’ve received, etc. There’s something weird going on I can’t put my finger on. My servitors have said someone is targeting members, me included. Weird negative energy in my house I had to banish more than once. I ain’t got time for that shit. I’m not feeling threatened, just annoyed and I have a family to tend to. I don’t fuck with anyone without cause, I just try to help new people, and I work on myself. Fuck with the wolf at your own risk. I don’t apologize for what happens next. I love you guys @serpens_album, @Lady_Eva, @KingOfHearts616, @Eye_of_Ra, @Raven_Maleficus, @FraterMagni, and @JezebelleMoon. Learned from y’all and respect y’all.


Hope to see you again. Hug the little one :purple_heart:

Take care of yourself.


I just don’t understand why would anyone hurt us… I mean I believe you. I have been hurt myself… but I just don’t understand why… what’s the reason… So sad :crying_cat_face:

Anyways, best wishes :heart:


You got my email if ya need it brother. Take care and hope to see you soon


Hope to see ya again eventually. Take care


You’re welcome back anytime.

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Gonna miss you stay in touch

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I’ll give you my Kik.

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was great havin u around and i hope u can return some day :slight_smile:
take care! :heart:


Hope all goes well with you. I’ll find you Facebook and/or Twitter to keep you updated on my progress. Stay safe and be well. :+1::+1::+1:

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Aww man don’t go.


I’ve noticed the same shit he’s talking about.


I think your handling it the wrong way


I completely agree that someone is targeting this forum.

I’ve had an uneasy feeling this entire week thus far, and it’s strong.
It feels like something big is coming, and we all need to prepare.

May the spirits be with you all.


Thanks for giving whoever/whatever it is:

  • public confirmation that “it’s working!”

  • a huge morale boost

  • that indefiniable feeling of being on the winning side that always encourages people, and helps them draw in bystanders who were previously on the fence about this.

Nice work! :+1:

I guess everyone wants to be part of something revolutionary that challenges paradigms of magick and orthodoxy of religion, until shit gets a bit too real, then suddenly it’s not buttercups and rainbows any more.

If anyone feels this is uncharacteristically harsh coming from that nice Lady_Eva, then you were evidently reading all my previous posts here including against child sacrifice, against the witchhunts and persecution of our predecessors, and many more, through some rose-tinted glasses I highly suggest you now remove.

These are, needless to say, my PERSONAL feelings - I do not associate professionally with BALG, I am not part of their business nor among social circles, nor ever speak for them… I am speaking purely for myself. This is not a moderation post either.

I refer to the general concept of this forum which has shunned alignment with the strict rule of wicccan “three-foldism” and sinister group submission to orders alike.

I shall miss your posts @J.A.Ragnarson and I hope that you sort out whatever is troubling you, but I am not going to post sad things about “how could this happen” nor am I going to make emptily cheery responses about this being a phase of growth and evolution.

The existence of this forum is a groundbreaking push against orthodoxies dark and light; it offends all self-appopinted gatekeepers of power, of what may be considered, so that people who have posted rituals that offend against almost all streams of belief receive a little pushback hardly surprises me.

There appears to be some shit going on, it has affected a few people, not others: I am going to post csome banishing methods that have worked for me but really, it’s not rocket science.

If anyone feels like actually banishing this as a group, PM me. :+1:


Not an attack on BALG, it’s authors, the forum, or its members. I still recommend EA, JD, JS, Asbjorn, Kurtis, Asenath, etc. Just got better things to do than play magickal war games with some asshole. Every time I get attacked, even if no damage is done, I know about it. I have to rework my protection and defense, I have to weigh out what my response may be, whether I should engage fully or let my hounds handle it… it’s a pain in the ass. I’d rather not fucking deal with the hassle. This is why I stayed underground so long. Communities always have that one or five dickhead(s). Stay infernally righteous y’all. :metal:t2:


I did a witch bottle and am doing daily banishing for the last ten days.BALG is our one chance to learn stuff which we cannot find anywhere and actually mix with a genuine community of our own kind.

I refuse to let anyone use silly distractive magic to take this away from me.

If I did not have BALG, I would never met awesome people and managed my problems so effectively.

The person targeting us knows there is strength in numbers.

I know what being attacked is like.But what is the point of being Mages, or aspiring Mages if we cannot take an astral shoe and beat these parasites.


p.s. We will miss you x


I’m going to put up some methods with minimal exposition, I am actually still in bed lol as I have an early start today, need to do that then get breakfasts.

PM me anyone who wants to join a group work, then with your permission from that i will start a group PM later that will give us the ability to organise time/s and day/s to work in synch on this. :+1:

If anyone wants to take a break for a bit while we do this, go for it, this is not everyone’s cup of tea.

“When you do weird shit, expect weird shit to start happening.”
~ Eva’s Law


Seems astral attacks are on the rise these past couple weeks. Doesn’t seem like a coincidence or even the work of individual members, I’ve noted at least 5 of these incidents.

Something is amidst

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