I'm giving up

Who said I haven’t sent anything that way?

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Hmm. I would agree with the Love Demon. When people are in love they overlook certain things in order to fulfill a greater purpose.


Maybe that is the whole problem, this being obsessed with the idea of falling in love, some kind of hormonal and chemical reaction that … well, honestly I don’t know.
My husband is my best friend first, and while I enjoy the physical aspect, that is not what a relationship is all about.
You shouldn’t over look things because of some nebulous idea of love, because sooner or latter those things will come back to bite you and not in a good way.
Relationships need some logical and common sense applied to them, and not just a bunch of hormonal emotions.

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I’m curious about this, could you please elaborate?

Obsession with spells to attain the objective indicates a lust for outcome, i.e. a focus on the absence of the desired result. Please understand all the ritual work is to allow a shift in consciousness that aligns you the feeling of contentment/relief/satisfaction etc. You’ve done more than enough and you’ve done it well enough ( :slight_smile: it is all symbolic of a type of consciousness and details are less important than you’d think :slight_smile: ), now let go and turn your focus to other aspects of your life and other interests. Forget about this and let things unfold.


Do you know what the best love spell is? The one that you cast on yourself! I know that sounds like a smartass answer but it’s what I did and it worked. So basically I formed a relationship with Sallos and when it was time to start working together on spells, I decided to cast it on myself. I basically asked him to help me love myself, to open my heart to love, to prepare me for a partner. So I never asked specifically for someone but because Sallos and I worked together to correct negative things in my own life and thought process I was able *attract love.


I feel like a spammer now in this topic but believe me I can understand you very well. I have a practice after which I felt like complete idiot and when I remember about this every time I feel shame and have an idea to give up. This is a rite for summoning demon helper which I found in a forum and the only result was a nude idiot who was holding black onyx in front of a pentagram from black candles and burning sulfur. Тhe burning sulfur smelled disgustingly. I was staying and thinking, “Hmmm. The demon don’t appears. Maybe I need to say the incantation more times. I have so many tasks for him.” There was no place in our maze so I did it in the general underground. Fortunately, nobody caught me naked. Regarding the instructions was better to do summon naked. :smiley:

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You have to fall before you can learn how to fly.
I’ve been single for five years.
I’m turning 31 next January;so I’m starting to get old.
No kids, no wife and I live alone.
I think about love and having a family a lot.
I’ve all but given up on the whole love idea.
I look back at my other girlfriends and how I treated them a lot.
I genuinely felt very little about them.
Mainly I just wanted sex.
Yeah I would buy stuff for them and meet the family and all that,but I always felt like it was waste of my time.
It felt like they were distracting me.

My ex is still madly in love with me and I think about her daily, but she is 1000 miles away and she left me for men who were very sexually and physically abusive.

I try to be positive.
I try to be nice and respectable and always smile, but it doesn’t work.
I’m convinced that 90% of the women out there want an abusive loudmouth asshole.
The facade of confidence I guess.

I refuse to play this stupid game people call love.
Opting out of a raw deal.


It sucks that this is usually true. But if you work some magick you may be able to cut through the crap.



Well, they don’t neccesarily want a loud abuse asshole. Women choose for those “bad boys” because of the insane emotional rollercoaster that these guys give. It gets them absolutely hooked.

You can be the sweetest guy in the world, you can put her on a pedestral, or carry her around and giving her flowers…

That won’t get her pussy wet, so to speak. Nice guys finish last. But you can learn how to induce those emotional highs that women crave so much without being an asshole :smiley:

So stay positive man,


Love magic?
I mainly just read about the occult.

So what?, work with Astarte?
I’ve also heard that people work with Asmodey for love spells.

I’ll be honest,
I’ve only done a few rituals.
That I know of…
You do a lot of weird stuff when your by yourself all the time.
It’s not that the rituals didn’t have an effect.
They did.
I feel they may have backfired.
So yeah there is still an element of fear present when I think of rituals and magic.
I feel if I do it;it has to be right,or else it will backfire again.


Funny you post this now…I’ve been using magic on a difficult situation that has refused to budge so far despite what I’ve tried in about a year. I finally decided, after months of indecision about it, to call on Belial for help. That was 2 weeks ago. I m already sensing a change in the energy of the situation and I can’t explain how as I’ve not had proof yet, but things ‘feel’ different. Belial is no joke. I had put off calling on him as I’d heard he can be formidable and I’d been somewhat scared but actually the experience was not scary at all. And I got a message that things might appear worse for a while (which actually they have been) but thats because things have to be broken down to be remade anew.

I got the feeling when I evoked him that yes, Belial will help but that you have you have to do your part and me sitting around crying and being weak is not going to help get the result I want in this situation (a relationship situation). That’s the overall impression I got from him. I feel like he wants you to step into your own power and not give it away to people. Does that makes sense ( those of you who have worked with Belial before)?


Attraction magick, to bring you the right girl then get conditions set up so you bond strongly.

Super-hawt falling-in-love won’t last forever though it comes back in waves, you need to be able to rely on each other and kind of have strengths the other lacks and vice-versa.

PM me next week if you want and I’ll dig out some ideas, I’m kind of fully booked with stuff right now so I can’t reply with full attention. :+1:


Ok, I will Pm you.
I appreciate any help I can get.


Sounds like my situation. I asked sallos and Orias for help and I’m doing a breakup ritual. I’m feeling all the negativity right now but from day one since it began, I’ve had the feeling things will go my way and I will be victorious in the matter. I must say orias has come to the forefront of the situation as I requested his services not for love but for manipulation. And so far he’s working like a charm. The guy is with another woman but still lives with me and our relationship is now an uneasy friendship. I’m working the kinks out to help out relationship heal and develop while using orias to help change certain aspects of him that are harmful. He’s been acting very selfish and egotistical since he got with this new woman. He’s become mean. But I feel that it will be darkest before the dawn. He’s not happy in his new relationship and soon, I’ll work on something to make him feel deep remorse for how he has been treating me these past few months. Sallos seems to be working more slowly in the background. I notice he still does little things for me and he seems agitated when I mention other guys I’m seeing or he’ll bring it up in an argument. I’m just going to be patient and keep the faith.

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This is how I exactly feel…like giving up. I have tried everything. Feel no movement at all. Never been so low in my life.

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What obsession spell did you use?