I'm giving up already everything

Hello everyone, I hope you have a great time

Since last summer, I have undergone a spiritual awakening and with it came a feeling of Derealization and Depersonalization. But the feeling of derealization still persists and I have enough of it! I am frustrated, angry and I have terrible thoughts running through my head. This feeling that I am out of reality is terrible. I can’t live with it normally anymore. I wrote about it with a few people here from the BALG forum to whom I thank.However it takes 7 months and I feel like a insane and I starting to giving up my life.One energy therapist told me that this Derealization is caused by insufficient unbalanced root chakra.And that my root chakra is more connected to my father because as a child I experienced my parents separation and it hurted me a lot as a child and that I taking with me a lot of guilt.So I tried everything possible- Yoga pose, wear only red clothes (I looked like Red Riding Hood) ate a lot of root vegetables, the LAM mantra aloud, I visualized the roots as they went into my body and the chakra, I carry with me every day red bracelet and Root chakra stones like Red jasper or Tiger eye but it still DONT GO AWAY it’s crazy … The best part is that I don’t know if the feeling of Derealization has change and I see the world as before or if it’s gone and I’m still thinking about it and I’m still suggesting it… …this is the biggest and worst bizarre shit I’ve ever experienced …
If there is anyone else who has experienced it, I will be happy for your experience and advice.

Have you contacted your father?

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@Helena I talk with him everyday but I dont know what to tell him about this

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Ah I thought you maybe had some unfinished business with him, that made you feel this way.

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I told him last time what was the Reason they broke Up but he didnt want to tell me

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You need psychological therapy.


I’ll go into it, but what kind of therapy does you mean? Some specific?

Psychoanalysis, transactional analysis. I would not go for CBT- that is crap.

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