If you're having trouble in the spirit realm

If you’re having unidentified trouble in the spiritual realm, such as something is happening to you that’s negative and you want to be able to find the source of what’s causing it and the potential spiritual perpetrator or root. Are there any “trusted” fail proof entities that find those termites for you without you getting harmed?

Try any Archangel .

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You may want to stablish good, stable relationships with certain entities, rather than treating them like if they had to do things for you because of reasons


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:thinking: any spirit you are in good terms with can help! If you are in the astral you can trace the link to its origins! I did that once when my right arm was hurting me! I grabbed the energetic pain and it turns to something like a cord! I pulled that with all my strength and a person appeared angry… I know I could have just cut the cord and be done but I really wanted to know who’s doing this to me!

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Sounds super logical now that I have been thoroughly exposed to the metaphysical. Great tip

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I just lean towards spirit guides or Rose Cross Ritual. These won’t ever fail you. :wink:

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If bad things are happening…Look to see whether there is a physical cause 1st, and do a self analysis of your own thoughts, mind, actions, reactions, and look for patterns. Spiritual attacks are rare…

Of course, the fail proof entity I will recommend is Lucifer. He is far more patient, compassionate with us humans, and seems to be blunt, but his wisdom is direct, and places things and ppl in ur path to help u. Sometimes u will get a sort of inspiration to do something genius as far as problem solving…Thats him communicating to u through thoughts…

If u do a formal ritual, enns, conjurations, evocation, invocation, he will complete what u ask in the same day. U grow and advance, so does he. If u f’ an operation up, he will reveal the steps to take to mend ur spiritual relationships with other entities.

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