If you offer your blood

As of today, I’ve been experiencing heavy poltergeist activity. The LWA have been heavily active since I’ve offered them my blood. There’s been knocks, electrical surges, voices, etc. I’ve also seen shadows and heard footsteps behind me. Despite all of the activity it hasn’t become frightening but instead affirming of the power of the Lwa. Last night I offered more blood to a particular Lwa whom is known for his dark power and since doing that, the activity has only increased. So the lesson here is; you don’t need to sacrifice a chicken to get results and effects. All you need is yourself.


Ever since I have been giving blood to the beings I work with, it’s like our connection is getting stronger. And I can always see when they are with me. They always alert me of their presence just like you Said. Knocks/voices/knocking a few things to get my attention… and like, they sit on a chair or some thing I can hear the creak of the chair… among other things…
There is NO DOUBT in my mind now…