Id like to thank Dantalion

Thank you Dantalion for helping me with my social skills. Thank you for the on call job i got through thess social skills. We will be working together on flirting and sex.
He has such a wicked sense of humor. Also the similation is interesting.
Be dstermined and respectful at all times and remember to give back to Dantalion. .Dandelions are good, so are poems. Or offerings in that which youre wanting to take part in. Like sex energy.


Can you help me with a giude you use to invoke/speak to him? For some reasons, the normal methods I use with goetic spirits don’t seem to work with him. Thank you in advance

What method do you currently use?

This is actually something that has been talked about. I think it might have to do with him being a djinn. He seems not to enjoy ceremonial magick much, so if that what you do you might want to consider something a little different?

When I call him I burn incense light candles and call out to him by reciting something like a poem and then saying the enn.


sounds nice. i will try, thank you a lot

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Was you in a pact with him?

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