I'd like to introduce myself

Hi I’m athapo, I have read discussions on here for a while now which I find interesting and helpful so decided to join to get involved. I’ve always had an interest in magick and paranormal etc and had many different experiences from paranormal to psychic abilities, premonition dreams and many other experiences. Because of different situations in my life I’ve never had much opportunities to learn more on any of these topics. I recently started reading about time magick as I am interested in the possibility of sending messages back in time. I realise time magick isn’t about that but still interested in the possibility. I’ve also been reading a bit about servitors and evoking demons. My current living arrangements limit me a lot for rituals etc so interested in finding out about contact using sigils and enns.


Welcome! I love the concept of sending messages to our past selves.

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Thank you. It would be great to be able to, I’ve read mixed opinions whether it’s possible or not.


I’ve heard of people sending healing to their past trauma’s.

It’s really hard to comprehend, but I actually think the movie Interstellar does a great job at explaining the concept.

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Ah yes I’ve read a few things about that, a bit like neville goddards revision.


We just touched on that in another conversation you might like:

There’s proven value in the remote viewer community of sending messages to yourself, by committing to sending a message back to your current self in the future. Lyn Buchannan tells the story in his book the Seventh Sense about doing this to avoid closing on the wrong house.

His subconscious jerked his pen as we was about to sign and he got the sudden feeling he should not and asked for time. He found a better house at a way better price that was in the works and he didn’t know it. He then made a point of telling his past self about it which closed the paradox and allowed the pen jerk to happen.


Could you explain what that is?

That’s brilliant thank you I’ll have a look at these. I’ve read a few things about ahk’lah’tesh being able to effect the past but I don’t have any experience with making contact.


Welcome @Athapo

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so what do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Thank you, I’m from Scotland. I’ve got very little experience, I was trying to learn tarot cards and white magic a long time ago but with situations in my life I had to put it all to the side. I’ve just recently started reading about magick, manifesting, servitors etc. I can’t really do much apart from reading at the moment as I’m living with a family member as their carer.

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Now that is super cool.
Also the fact that time magick is even a thing, makes me wonder what time is like and how it works on higher planes like astral, etheric, and so on.

Here in the physical plane, our perception of how fast time moves is limited by our physical brains, I’m pretty sure, but I’m guessing that in other realms like the astral, your perception of time speed is probably only limited by your own intention.


There’s a lot about it online that would explain better than I can but basically you go back to a past memory and imagine it the way you would have wanted it to happen.


What a thought-provoking comment!

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I guess it’s kinda thought-provoking.

At least makes you wonder if spirits you evoke see and hear you in ultra slow motion or if they pause their time perception while deciding what to say.

A few minute evocation for us might be several hours of deciding how to answer for the spirits if they so choose.

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