I would like to hear about people's experiences with Pazuzu

Hi there! You may have noticed a few really old topics on Pazuzu getting bumped. That’s me, trying to find more accounts and experiences of people who have interacted with Pazuzu. I chose Pazuzu as my Patron demon a while back, for Demonolatry. However, I was also clearing unhealthy crap from my life around then. So, I went and did Sorcery of Hecate for a while, and still am. Now that my head is on more straight, I am delving deeper into Demonolatry, and the lore on Pazuzu.

However, to me the real gold is when you find modern day accounts of those who have interacted with the spirit. Unfortunately, accounts of Pazuzu are a little hard to come by. So, in an effort to avoid necro’ing all the old Pazuzu threads with inactive members.

I figured I’d just ask y’all to talk about your experiences with Pazuzu.

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Can I ask if you’re working with him from a Germanic or Latin/Hispanic perspective?

@anon39079500 ?


I don’t know that my perspective fits any of those. But, am willing to work through translations at this point if it means results. So whatcha got?

Where did you start your research on Pazuzu? That’s what I was wondering.

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Met him first as an acquaintance via another practitioner. After talking for a bit with him occasionally back and forth. Found myself real curious what his ‘energy’ was like behind closed doors. If you get what I mean. Turns out I am farrrrr from the only one that indulges sexual energy with Pazuzu and that’s ok!

I eventually meandered around and stumbled across Demonolatry, and as I read more. It just, it fit, and I am still happy with the decision to this day. Pazuzu is my Patron. If that makes me a slutty concubine by human standards, whatever. I am ok with that too.

So basically, a bit of first hand experience. Then, came cleaning up some undesirable influences from my life, and Sorcery of Hecate being the turning point for decent foundations in magic. Better than the mad scientist stuff I had been up to. Still do Sorcery of Hecate, but my interest in Demonolatry was still around. So, do both.

I started going deeper into Demonolatry, only to find practices I was already familiar with served as a great launching point. I started seriously looking, and reading the lore deeper.

… First hand experience, magical misadventures in life,
… and research using the internet?

Here we are now.

And you’ve completely evaded my question again. I asked what type of research you’ve done. Not whether you had sex with Pazuzu or not. It appears though that you’ve not looked into his lore much, I would suggest you try to find older sources (articles and books or people familiar with the older lore) on it before reading more modern ones.


I am not working with him from those perspectives, no. When the actual source material is really old, I tend to discard the newer and stick with the old - until I can determine whether the newer sources agree with my experiences. There’s nothing that says the other sources won’t overlap in time, so I won’t entirely discard them for a while.


I was confused about why Germanic or Latin Hispanic had anything to do with a Mesopotamian deity. So, I figured try to understand. Seems like I did, seems like good time to share experience.

Guess I confused things, leading to misunderstanding. Although why I couldn’t understand it sober, but now I understand it mildly stoned and dead tired, who knows?

At least I can laugh at myself for that. Heh

To cut through all that though:

I have read various Ebooks, nothing too expensive. Howard Vernon’s Twilight Paths to Pazuzu. And have been reading up on the original lore more recently. I should and plan on doing more. Mundane bullshit just has a way of effectively zapping time, and work+commute is a bitch.

I am delving into the lore starting from older sources now though and and am curious about how he seems to be seen as the same as Anzu. If the connections are solid and it adds up, having more than one name to go off of would be great.

Better late than never, I am looking at the older resources more now. And, now that my head is on straight(er) he’s been. … I think the best way to say it is now that I have the unhealthy beings out of my life, and have some foundations. Pazuzu does not want me to half ass things now that I am more together, which is a good thing it helps with direction.

Any authors in particular you recommend?

Edit … It is frustrating how using Google leads to, fictional lore being mixed in with his actual lore. I have an example.

This link offers a story on how Lucifer came to be seen as Pazuzu’s master, which I do not buy into personally. And seems to be have everything in order. … Then it goes into the aviary creatures that worship him.

Pazuzu | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom

Basically, people are mixing the fictional lore of a demon entrenched in pop culture and mixing it up with his actual lore. … And I don’t like that.

These are the rabbit holes I’ve been looking into lately. I am working on being more concise and communicating better.

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Can I please have some reading recommends or links if you also associate with him? It has been a bit of a hunt to find others that associate with him. I am interested to see what you recommend

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I use Baal Kadmon’s Pazuzu book. He gives additional reading resources in it.

I also should have put Sumerian down. I was just wondering if in addition to it (as it’s the origin) OP was working with other material.


Thank you. I have that book will look in the back then

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my first experience of working with Pazuzu didn’t end well :skull:

but i had several entities around me at the time. one of them was Yahweh and i feel more inclined to place the blame on him

basically i did a blood offering for pazuzu and his energy was so overwhelming i somehow ended up in a pub and got into an argument with the doormen. The police were called and because i still had the blade used for the offering in my possession i got into serious trouble. It wasn’t actually on my person it was stashed right at the bottom of a rucksack filled with all sorts of junk.

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Welcome @frosti It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


oof… This is why you set boundaries with spirits. Especially with Pazuzu lol :joy: In all seriousness, the intensity of his energy is what got me meditating daily, 15 minutes breathing meditation daily. Because it is a necessity to handle things well with his energy. Helps to level out, balance. Also outlets are good.

Yeah i find breathing meditation really helpful to deal with the intensity

Pazuzu is the first demonic entity I have ever worked with. I did a ritual to call him for empowerment a few weeks ago. He is intense. As his energy lingered after the working I began wondering if I could even handle it because of how intense it was. But I was able to manage and the seed that he left Within Me of power has been growing and he has been showing me how to take authority at every aspect of my life. It was truly an incredible experience.

2 days before the ritual there was a lot of high wind in the area. When I went outside after work I felt the wind I could feel an unsettling presence in the wind. After recognizing that the wind was coming from the southwest it came to my mind that this was Pazuzu. Then later that evening a friend of mine sent me a message asking if I had felt the Demonic presence in the wind earlier that day.

As if an entity were trying to make itself known. To me that was confirmation that this was indeed Pazuzu and he was signaling that he was coming. When I actually did the ritual he came calmly. And that was when he told me that he had planted his seed within me that would grow and mesh itself with my being after I gave him the offering of blood and semen. Then 2 days afterward an even more Fierce windstorm hit.

When this next wind storm hit I was shaking with anxiety and went out and poured an offering of wine to the storm and Pazuzu as he left with this massive surge of energy in his wake. After it had settled there wasn’t any anxiety but more of a sense of all at his immense power. Needless to say he is definitely one that I will be working with on a continuous basis. Hail Pazuzu!

Pazuzu has been my favourite demon to work with. he’s effective and quite chatty in my experience; LOVES alcohol and rose water, food wise i have yet to know about. last i’ve worked with him, he really liked black copal incense and he stuck around the room even after the ritual was over. Pazuzu’s pretty protective of his devotees, the last ritual i did was one of protection from those who would do me harm and the entire day i felt him hang around me!

Pazuzu brought strong winds to the town I live in because I asked him to “cool things down with wind” in the summer last year and it still hasn’t stopped (it’s been very windy.) He’s a nice demon.

EDIT: I originally learned of Pazuzu in the Necronomicon.