I will pull oracle cards for you 🔮 - Part 3

Hello everyone,

it’s been a while…but it’s time for another oracle card reading.
You can pick two decks and I will shuffle these for you and pull some oracle cards.

You can chose from these decks:

  • Choose two decks.
  • If you want, you can ask a specific question.
  • I don’t do questions about entities, past lives and health.
  • The reading will be public.
  • Please give me some feedback.
  • Will be doing it for the first ten people commenting in this thread - if I still have time afterwards, maybe some more.

Thank you and let’s go :four_leaf_clover:


I would like a unicorn and goddess guidance oracle reading pls.
No specific question

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I want to ask about job. Goddess Guidance Oracle and Energy Oracle. Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

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Good to see you again.
I’d pick the Energy and Animal Spirit Oracle. No specific question.
Thank you! :sparkles:


Hiya Lunia good to see you again.
Can I please have Goddess guidance and energy oracle. No specific question. Thank you

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Have trust in yourself and don’t be afraid to try something new or follow your dreams.

I feel like you have to take some time to focus on what you really want and how you can realize this. Don’t forget yourself and the people around you although it’s hard sometimes to keep the balance.

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Hi Lunia, I would like a reading please.
Romance and Energy please, no specific question.
Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello Helena,
thank you :slight_smile:
I feel like something is about to happen and you should have trust in it and don’t overthink it.

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Can I get Goddess and Energy?

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That’s a really good advice, and I’ll keep it in mind.

Thank you :sparkles:

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Hi, pls choose any deck you want that will suit the below question, may be romance deck or something, I’m not too sure.

My question - Is divorce on cards or reconciliation?

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I would like an animal spirit and goddess guidance reading please.
The question is: When will I get revenge against my enemies?

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Hi Lunia. Good to have u back pulling cards again.

Can I have one. Ill choose the goodness and the romance deck.

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Hi I would like the goddess guidance Oracle :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can I get one from the unicorn oracle?

Please and thank you

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May I have a pull please? Energy oracle

I choose the Animal Spirit Oracle and the Unicorn Oracle. Thanks and good luck! :relaxed:

I’d like romance oracle and animal spirit, if you’re still doing em. Thank you

Seems like something about your spirituality or spiritual work is important right now and you’ll get an opportunity.
Don’t be afraid to take what you want although others might not like it or want a piece of the cake.

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