A mix of fear and yet not taking it seriously isn’t a great combination, as has been said.
If you were told, and came to believe, that at least casting a circle in some way was a necessary thing, would you be willing to do it?
A mix of fear and yet not taking it seriously isn’t a great combination, as has been said.
If you were told, and came to believe, that at least casting a circle in some way was a necessary thing, would you be willing to do it?
Some people wont cast the circle, I would prefer to cast a circle at least, I wont bother with triangle if I know the spirit well enough.
@op : Always refer to King Paimon as “KING” He wants it that way
i’m not scared because i think he’d want to eat my soul or something like this
i’m scared of being disrespectful for something that i don’t have in my ritual like wine, candles or incense
i heard some spirits care about it and some don’t care
That’s not gonna happen, so don’t worry
I don’t use a circle or triangle - in fact I had a conversation with Duke Dantalion and he likened to being treated like “dancing bears”.
During my own experiences I’ve had been told that I needed to do certain things because I had lessons to learn. When I’ve messed up it was clear that it was Duke Dantalion testing me or reminding me to treat him with respect.
The first lesson I had was what seemed to be a fake Duke giving me false information that was contrary to all the information I’d been given previously. I hadn’t called his enn correctly, cleared the area or treated him with the respect he deserved.
You do not require candles, incense, or anything other than those things - give what you can - it is appreciated.
hi, i would love to talk to you about paimon but i don’t have idea of how to send a message to someone here
Would you be willing to get something simple like incense if you thought it was necessary?
The reason I ask is that magick is the only field where people with no knowledge and no experience are so willing to set down rules about what it must be like before they begin, and then get positivelty angry when told by people who are actually succeeding by doing magick that they are in the wrong.
i can’t imagine someone on their frst day of violin lessons insisting that the way to play is to leave the instrument in its case, and rebuking the tutor for suggesting otherwise!
The only possible conclusion is that the idea “it’s not REALLY real” is in there somewhere, playing havoc with commitment, and making the idea of putting oneself out feel wrong.
And a lot of people who do WANT results but have that programming somehow running will therefore not be willing to make the smallest effort, often whilst having the largest demands (such as millions of dollars manifesting overnight, or the ability to fly).
So that’s why I mention that, it probably doesn’t describe you but I think a lot of people have some level of that programming about things, at some point.
The only reasons i would see for not obtaining incense or candles are that you are a minor. extremely impoverished, or have a health condition which might be aggrevated by either. No they arent necessary but an offering of some description - it can be food (which you do not eat UNLESS the entity specifically gives you a signal to do so), tobacco (again you don’t smoke it unless told), a nip of liqueur (you will spot a pattern here), fruit juice (same again)…
If you are female - you can give menstrual blood, BUT read up about that FIRST. If you give blood as a man, learn to do this safely and correctly and all you need is a drop - as if you have pricked your finger with a pin NOT A CUT.
As with everything RESEARCH it first as not all entities want blood.
King Paimon seems to like tea.
Duke Dantalion as well.
And chocolate
what you think about semen?
I’ll PM you then
He really like wine too! And actually, anything with much energy in it
ASK FIRST - I think @Lady_Eva responded to this in another thread.
It went like this - You open a gift box expecting a lovely gift only to find a lot of semen… How would you feel? If you weren’t expecting it?
Yep - Personally I’d be surprised and flush it down the toilet but some might be creative.
Likewise with masturbation as a means of raising energy as again not all entities are into that particular activity at least not every single time.
i always think about that kkkkkkk
but i sometimes i hear that semen liberates energy and demons like this (?)
I think as well that a lot of people want to offer semen because, like above, they’re in that “this probably isn’t real” mode so figure if they have to give an offering, it might as well benefit themselves.
what you think about artistic gifts like poems or paintings?
Maybe try a well known god first before a demonic king. Or you can try a different aspect of King Paimon. Try researching Al Kutbay
Certain entities like these, Lucifer is a prime example