I want to save my child,help me

If you have time magic , please help me. I want to go back to 2021 and save my child on Oct 1st. Or send messages to past .Please help me, I can pay for it.

You are just going to be taken advantage of if you keep posting that.

At least remove the part about payment.

Just see what people can come up with out of the goodness of the hearts. These a lot of nice people here, but offering payment immediately in such a desperate situation will attract parasites out of the woodwork. Be careful. You’re in too much pain already!


This is a duplicate of

Please don’t make duplicate posts, and do not offer money on tis forum. We understand you are distressed, but what you are asking for is a miracle far beyond the skills of most mages and you are opening yourself up to unscrupulous people who will promise what they cannot do and scam you.

I am sorry for your loss.

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