I want to know about Samael (the demon of death)

Hey I want to know about samael (the demon of death ) please drop reply whatever you know about him and his powers and its rank and stuff

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There are many different versions of the spirit Samael. In Hebrew texts he is said to be both good and evil: an angel of death, an accusser, seducer and destroyer. Also a god of venom as an important Archangel in Talmudic lore. There are several descriptions of Samael in The Legend of The Jews by Louis Ginsberg. Check out the sesrch engines online that have huge amount of information on this Deity.


I have been working with Lilith for years. Recently (about six months ago) she appeared with Samael. The first time I just felt an unknown male energy with hers. Lilith’s energy to me always has an underlying sexuality. Samael does not. I’ve been trying to ask him questions as there is so much contradictory information about him. He’s clearly not working with Yahweh. He’s not a fallen angel. His energy feels very different. Almost overwhelming at first. I haven’t figured him out and he hasn’t told me much. Great teacher, but seems to not have a very favorable opinion of humans. He teaches his lessons very differently from Lilith. He also doesn’t have an enn. That’s how far I got with him, but I’m eager to continue working with him. Any information about him would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you :heart:

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