I want to go through ego death

Any book recommendations?

For a Vedanta approach, these authors: Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Robert Adams, Ed Muzika.

Did you manage to experience the ego death with that method?

No but I noticed that by extensively practicing self awareness, focusing on “I am”, such a feeling becomes subtle (eventually, till the point where contemplation of the ego becomes that of the Self).

Death is a real time event, books are hardly up to the task. I’d try something more robust if you wish to experience something as fearful and dreadful as this. An unusually large glass of Ayahuasca would definitely introduce you to “ego death” the black serpent, and the great void beyond. Be prepared, death is a real thing with all the fear and horror that goes with it, if you’ve never faced it before, you will not forget it once you have. Ego death isn’t a separate thing from actual death. You will feel the Halloween Hell of it all, like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. Enjoy and Happy Halloween. Take care with Aya not to take anything else with it, or real death might be your real experience.