I want to die and be born again

Thank you.

@xdarkdreamsx Don’t think like that. I know it is easier said than done, but please consider the many positives in your life.

Never give up, because as long as you are still fighting against these feelings then you are inching closer to winning the battle against your own hurt/depression. When you give up…you lose automatically.

Giving up life is a very permanent solution to temporary problems and the people you left behind would never, ever forgive themselves.


I totally get wanting to die, but why would you want to listen let alone be this lame af mumble rapper? This isn’t even rap or hip hop. He’s gross and brainwashed by his handlers. Guarantee he’ll be dead in the next few years. At least go listen to some real hip hop.

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Actually people who say ‘it gets better’ DO understand. Whilst I never said it in those exact words, I did suggest that the way you feel now may be temporary instead of a pointer for how the rest of your life will be.

I was suicidal myself, badly so, for over 5 years. So I do ‘know how it feels’. I have felt the pain and I have wished nothing more than to just cease to ‘be’. I hated everyone who said, ‘it gets better’.

However it turns out they were right. It did get better. And if I’d have killed myself, I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the wonderful experiences I’ve had since coming out the other side of depression.

There will be some. But depression acts like blinkers. You often cannot see the good because of the crushing weight of the bad. Take a step back, look at your life from the eyes of an outsider. There WILL be positives. There WILL be people who care.


I am only interested in the way they live and I am talking about comfort and pleasure.

The first step to relieve anxiety and stress is to talk to people and express yourself, As I did here. Frankly, I received tremendous moral support here. There are people here who love to do good and show solidarity with people in the ways that are available. The simplest example of good people @Lady_Eva @Angelb1083 And don’t forget either @anon48079295… There are a lot of good people here, Try to communicate with them and get closer to them.

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We all live in unity and isolation, Now I am suffering silence and trying to talk to people. In order to relieve pain And get involved in social life.

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Please sir, be strong and endure. Don’t give in to ideas And do not think about facing it, No no no this is a big mistake, Just dialogue with your ideas constructive and healthy dialogue. Try to find solutions and change your surroundings…

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Do not forget We are with you and We love you :heart:


This in particular… I felt it like a punch on my stomach. I know how you feel. I know exactly how you feel. The realization that you’re not leaving anyone behind, that no one will mourn or even care for your loss, is both horrible but relieving. And very dangerous. I can’t stress enough how much I get you. I’m not gonna lie to you. It can get better. It’s not easy at all, you need to fight with all you got and even more. But it can get better, even to the slightest. Day by day, hour after hour. If no one cares about you, care for yourself. Screw everyone else and care for you because no one will ever care the same as you.

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For what logical reason?


When you’re thinking of suicide there’s no logical reason that will prevent you. That’s why I said:


But why are you fighting?


If you died right now and are reborn you would go through the exact same energetic experience that you are living now.

The goal is to NOT be reborn. That is the point. Death and rebirth are a cycle that we are trapped in. Only when one reaches a permanent state of enlightenment and virtually kills ones own ego (which is the desire/want for anything, even basic necessities) you no longer have any attachments to the physical plane. Therefore you eliminate karma thus eliminating the need to be reborn.


I’m the type to say it gets better but not without effort, I’ve attempted suicide a few times growing up and it did in fact get better, it took some time sure but it did.

I believe rebirth is a choice as it’s always been my choice to be reborn (as far as I’ve learned about myself on a spiritual level) and it’s always been out of curiosity and not some grandiose ideology.

However, after a while I started to see things take a turn for the better, yes there’s still ups and downs in my life but theyre no longer overburdened by the positive shit I create for myself.


Though your question is very personal, I can tell you that I can’t give you the answer on why you should fight. And that is why it’s hard.

If you ask me, personally, I have no reason whatsoever. Yet I’m still here fighting. Going through another day. Balancing between life and death. Tomorrow I might get out of bed and commit suicide, again. But today I am here with everything I got.


Realize that all one needs to do is drop the ego and you drop all suffering. I have walked and am currently walking that path so I can assure you it is the truth.

My understanding of the indefinable is a hard concept for most to grasp. But if you try to simply have no thought and let go you will be contented.

It is the most simple, mudane thing disguised as something complicated, but only to those who are asleep.

Wake up and you will find peace sooner then later. :blush::om:

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Not to turn the topic but technically ^ that’s all from a place of ego no?

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to call something the truth and that most will not understand what you mean is pretty much a place of ego though, because without an ego there’s no lie or truth, there’s no idea that what you speak is beyond some others but yourself.