I try mediumship and a kind of profiling

Hello EveryOne,
I finish the nine books of BALG and even I read Goddess of Necromancy and I continue my learning. I challenge myself to find gone girl and I try to be them like the nine or the goddess with very good results. I would like to know if you have some method to become just me again because after incarnate victims, I just be afraid of every man on the street. This effect diminishes but are always here a little. Some people who don’t want me to succeed could possibly keep the flame alive. I don’t know.
And Because I have some result, I want to have a new challenge. Have you some idea, method to say I check everything, the answer is that because I check all my methods, my answers with mediumnity and I can talk about it. I want challenge me to be able to resist in a talk. Can you help me? All magick accepted.

