I tried to evoke Lord Satan. Not sure if it worked

So I would have posted this earlier but I was at the movies. But I tryed to Evoke Satan and I waited but nothing happens…now I did watch EA and JS Garrett vid about Evoking Eternity and I of the things EA said was “never leave a ritual unfinished and even though you can’t see and hear them pretend there there”.

So I did that 1st I told him hi and I was just telling him the problems I’m going through and then I told him I’ll talk to him again on Thursday…so what do u guy’s think am I on the right track? Do you think if I summon him again I’ll be able to feel his presence more?


Well what did you see? Did you feel the energy

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@eVox_61 Nah, I didn’t see not hear

@eVox_61 now to be honest with you I summon spirits in my room and uh…well I did t make up my bed because I was kinda in a rush because there’s people that live with me in this house so I was just trying to wing it so not only that but my room wasn’t all the way clean so that’s probably why he didn’t show up because he could tell I was in a hurry or something but I’m normally a clean person so I guess that was a him telling me “Bitch clean your room!” So yeah maybe that why he didn’t show up lol :sweat_smile:


Well if you are a beginner you dont see or feel much, if you are new to this u must have at least seen some signs , candle flickering or a presence of energy
Tingling sensation through your body etc. Dont be in a hurry mode first relax but if you dont have an environment to perform such things wait till midnight when others are sleeping then start your work meditating on the sigil
They dont come when you ask them to come you have to show respect and less fear
But dont worry you didnt feel most of the times they test you whether you keep trying so keep on trying and then you will see results. Also clean your room

I have read somewhere when you call a daemon they hear you even if you are a noob so have patience and keep on trying
Write down the stuff you feel,see in a journal even the smallest changes, it will help you in the future


@eVox_61 Thanks. But no I couldn’t tell if he was there or not unfortunately. The 1st spirit I tried to call was Azazel…and with him it was weird there was slight pressure on my ears in my back start to have pressure to not like hurting pressure but I feel like he was kind of there but not all the way

@eVox_61 so when. You meant meditate on his sigil do you mean look at it?

Yes if you had strong intent on contacting him he probably heard you and was aware of you, even though he may not have been fully present. In my experience spirits (especially deities) are present even after something as simple as a prayer, but it’s not enough to be able to get a response from them back, which would also require opening your astral senses first.


@Dankquanicus thanks! I well meditate on his sigil more… I honestly have no idea how to open up my 3rd eye like I watch this one video this lady said even though you cant see and hear them keep Evoking them because them being around you well awake. Your 3rd eye but at the same time was kind of confusing because she also said they’ll get frustrated and just leave

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You probably will feel more as your 3rd get more open, a way to help that is to keep summoning. Whatever you call them they hear, so even if you don’t feel them or hear, listen to them, they’re hearing you, so he probably was there, so say your intentions, explain you still can’t see them and thank them to their time.
A way to open your 3rd eye is to listen musics with special waves, you can find on YT and while meditating focus on your 3rd eye, ya know in the middle of your forehead, imagine the eye opening, and/or some light burning in there. Is how I do, in time you’ll be able to feel and hear and listen them. Maybe not next time yet, but due time.
I don’t think he would really care about how is the place, specially if you were in a hurry, I think they, he can be comprehensive in thise situations.
So yeah, I think you’re in the right track, just keep working on your 3rd eye, and keep the summonings, even ask them to help you get better and feel, hear, see them. Ask for signs like the candle burning smaller or bigger, os something.


But also, if you’re trying to evoke him because you want a specific result, then seeing or hearing a spirit or even feeling them isn’t necessary. Here’s a great beginner ritual if you just want results -How To Start Using Spirit Sigils To Get Anything You Want - Become A Living God

Although, I would recommend getting a good banishing ritual that also protects you before doing anything with spirits first. But if you do want to speak with spirits to gain knowledge from them directly, then opening your astral senses are required.


Used any one of these sigils?



@IzzyLuna thanks man well do!

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Clean or messy room, it doesn’t really matter much to demons or any spirit. I’ve worked with summoning a decent few in a messy room, it worked all fine, Even Satan under its more lesser used name. From my experience not many things matter to demons or any spirit except respect. Unless it’s a particular ritual where you and your surroundings must be clean then it isn’t necessary, just your will to summon and intent.


No. I just used the sigil that was Lucifers. They say they can be used to summon both spirits

@Blade_Brooks really? I mean me honestly I just prefer to have the room clean just in case… I’m just OCD about that lol=)

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Lue is not “Satan” lol so using that one will get you Lucifer use one of the others provided to you n try again and even though he answers to that name he actually hated it his real name is enki call that name out he will come trust me I had the both of them come to me as an audience for my ceremony and it was wonderful


All you can do is try try again n see what happens even if you don’t see try to clear your mind and relax keep an open mind n you will hear them

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@bunny4cam really? I just thought because in EA’s book Evoking Eternity he said it can be used to call both

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@bunny4cam the only difference is at the ends of the sigil it’s not pointy