I think my servitor cut me and took my blood without permission

I made a servitor using the instructions from magickal servitor by Damon Brand.

The terms of offering I’m supposed to give as thanks are that every 3 days I will give a little drop of blood from my finger. I use a tiny medical lancing device to take the blood painlessly and easily.

Today it was 3 days since my last offering. My chores and errands got the better of me and I kept putting off the offering till later in the day.

Well I feel my servitor got impatient because as I was taking out recycling I lifted up a bag from the bottom using both my hands and I felt a quick sharp cut on my middle finger. I pulled my hand back to see a tiny drop of blood forming. I squeezed the finger and the amount that came out was the exact amount of my usual offering.
I went ahead and took the hint and went through with it but I’m pissed bc first of all I haven’t got any of the results I asked for what so ever. I’ve gotten a couple things that appeared like they were odd coincidences due to the magick but they still did not manifest as the thing I actually need and asked for.

Should I just destroy this servitor and start over?
Am I going to have a problem now with it not obeying my destruction commands?

I really don’t want the headache of something that keeps taking blood from me but won’t even do what I made it to do.

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Ah, you really shouldn’t start out making them with blood, this is probably drawing in other low level parasitic spirits who might be masquerading.


I would destroy the servitor. You’re not supposed to feed them blood.


Same thing! Unless you’re trying to do that one artificial daemon creation method, which is super-focused…


As @Post_lux_tenebrae stated, there are some artificial spirit creation methods that do utilize blood and other fluids, but Brand’s book specifically warns against it because it creates a greater hunger in the servitor. He recommends the energy of a successful result and the emotion of appreciation/gratitude instead since they are easier to generate and provide steadier energy.


@ darkest knight Am I going to have a problem with it now not destroying itself as I’ve built in the instructions ?
Do you think it will ruin the results I’m looking for if I destroy it before results manifest?

@Crafty123 Who is the master here? Now take control and don’t count the cost. Act as a master, dominate. Then start over. This is mad science and you’re in a lab full of explosive chemicals, sometimes you’ll be burned. But you can still succeed. Succeed!


You might. The blood creates a hunger so it will continue forcing you to feed it when you forget.

If you can’t destroy it, or don’t want to, another option is to summon it by force and attempt to rewrite its programming.

Yes, it will but you said yourself that the servitor isn’t doing its job anyway.


Literally nowhere in Brand’s book does he say you offer blood. Why is everyone obsessed(seemingly so on this forum at least) with offering blood.

A servitor works for you. YOU are it’ master and god.

Destroy and start again.


@madmoiselleV He said you can offer blood and that it can have strong effect , but can also have weird drawbacks which I’m seeing now. He never forbade it, but advised caution. Which I’m exercising now. I don’t do magick for play I do it to make my life work. So when I need something to happen I’m going to do what’s strongest/quickest and then navigate what comes up, as I’m navigating now.
I’m going to get rid of the servitor and do some clearing and protection via angels.
The servitor is not good enough.

I stand corrected. You’re right, now that I’ve had a look back again, he did mention blood. And sexual energy and bodily fluids. But he also said it was risky. As @DarkestKnight pointed out, it creates a lust. In this case, it seems after becoming quickly impatient, the Servitor just took it upon itself to take it from you.

Not sure where I gave the impression that I don’t also do magick to make my life work as well…

Best of luck let us know how it goes!

I meant to convey just why I’d take this risk. I feel so anxious for this thing to work out for me I’ll use almost anything that appears to give me more power, so I took a risk and used blood. I’m glad to see that something about this works so I’m not a complete fool for believing in it, even if I didn’t get the real results I desired.

the use of blood in a servitor make them more stronger,in terms of results?

@Ronnie.c yes that is what I believed would happen as suggested by the writing in Magical Servitor book by Damon brand, however it seems to only have given it the power to get entitled with me and cut me when it wanted more blood, but to be fair this unpredictability was also alluded to in the book. My purpose for creating the servitor has still not manifest and likely won’t now because I’ve destroyed it. So much for that…


i have the book and i have read it,but i dont remember.
thank you and im sorry for the off topic

This is kinda interesting.
Sounds like this servitor has at least some level of free will.

I didn’t really know that was possible.

Servitors are part of their sigil/construct/servitor/egregor chain. It’s my belief that a servitor can eventually evolve into an egregor and even more, a godform, given the right circumstances.

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This sort of stuff is why I always build into the core programming the instruction that it will always obey me and will never act to my detriment.

Irony. I just realised something interesting about one of my situations. Not so much related to the above as such, but I think I may have created a contradiction for one of my servitors.
Long story, but it occurs to me that it may have thwarted one of endeavours by following its instructions. I’ll consult with it tonight and maybe alter its programming

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