I think I need a little help

@zzzzzzz thank you

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And as a woman I can relate to her feeling this way. You have probably signaled your insecurity to her and only after 2 days you contacted her. Was there any signs for you to do so? Or was it only the neediness speaking, needing confirmation from her. She senses it and will pull away.
But most surely anyone who hears

that someone is willing to do anything for them. It’s too much on her. She smells your desperation.

What you should do instead is to work on yourself. Yes a cliché but its not without a good reason. Once you feel good within you, you will attract people to you. And you will have less neediness towards them because you will feel whole. Thats why this situation will manifest itself again even if you would get her back. So in order to really work on the root cause you should look within. Why do you feel this neediness towards her? Why don’t you feel confident as the person you are?

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