I think Focalor's taken a liking to me maybe. Is it normal after a few callings?

So, I’ve called on Focalor quite a lot, the first time was for something baneful, but constantly did almost like an obsessed teen girl, not for baneful purposes the other times, however. Their enn plays constantly in my head, it’s the only one that’s stuck. Not even Lucifer’s and he wanted me to contact him, I’ve even had dreams of Focalor helping me, his energy is always pleasant and seems nice to me and a day or two ago he did when I called, first to banish something negative and to bless water as part of the two part banishing. Sounds weird, maybe. For those with more practical experience with the 72 spirits. Is it normal for Demons to be able to bless things, especially those that were listed as being on the Seventh Throne of Heaven?

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Sounds like vibrational entanglement.

Can you explain in this context?
Is it because he picked up on my nature or was it just my doing?