I talked to Amdusias last night (Should I make a pact with him & what should I do with him?)

So I’ve worked with Lilith she’s amazing to me, She got me in contact with Amdusias (The Demon that does music stuff). He said to me i have a lot of potential with music, He’s thinks I’m very unique and special for music he told me to get into classical music but I told him No I’m going to make my own style and sound for Metal Music so yeah but he definitely wants to work with me. Let me know here if anyone has experienced with Amdusias and what should I do with him?. (Should I make a pact with him?)


I have worked with Amdukias for quite a while but not on musical aspects. I use the demon to bend the will of others to mine. Amdukias is one of the most benign and benevolent demons to work with, he has a gentle and caressive spirit, he will nudge and guide you in the right direction, patience is required though as he takes his time. You do not need to make a pact with him unless you feel absolutely drawn to that, he will work with you nevertheless. He does not favour alcohol…at least in my experience. Good luck !


You know, after seeing this post for the first time, I scrolled on my YT feed and saw in my recommended: “Demon In Review - Amdusias”. Took it as confirmation that you should definitely go ahead and work with him. :slight_smile:

Also, like the previous reply has stated, I experienced his energy as gentle, understanding and patient. Very helpful too.


Ive worked with amdusias before too. He’s awesome. He’s been helping me improve my guitar practice for metal music (i lean on a thrash metal and black metal style guitar wise. Along with some slower stuff ) i found it hard to have motivation because i am my own teacher but when he camw i knew He’s very understanding and helpful. It wasnt difficult for me to get in contact with him. First time was a night around 3am and i sat near my guitar with a candle lit on the amp and some incense and i was focusing on his sigil and repeating his enn and not long later i saw a tall shadow going across my bedroom wall. Shortly after that i talked to him about what i was needing and it was like i felt a sudden push to play guitar so i did. And on a whim i created a stoner metal riff lol

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And he’ll still help whether or not you make a pact, so its your choice

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Wow sounds great :+1:

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I also play Guitar too and I do Vocals also

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i’d definitely recommend you take his advice with classical music, its profound and very lit

if you work at it the right way it could definitely help you with ur heavy metal shit


Sweet! I think the reason amdusias suggested you work with classical music is because of how it can help with your metal style of playing. Sometimes its nicknamed “the metal music that was before electricity” lol. I never worked with classical myself though. I started learning guitar using bluesier style stuff like AC/DC

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I started as a hardcore classical pianist and because of it I can pick up different styles, analyze music very precisely and learn a lot of instruments very fast, I think classical gives a super good foundation for every style that comes after it even if your goal is metal, it might be worth a shot :slight_smile: I work with King Paimon for music but his advice seems sensible

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Wait I realised that with my music there’s something that lacks musical aspects with my sound, I think Amdusias could help me with that and improve my skills while at the same time being myself on my music. I should contact him again since I have extended my music taste. Learning Classical could also help me with music theory but yeah I should contact Amdusias again but I’ve been distracted with my life and always having fun with Lilith.