i sometimes feel that i am not a humanbeing and also not from this planet i enjoy talking with angels than humans
i feel like that all the time. especially when i smoke a fat blunt
yea a fatty can definitely do that for you. but seriously samuel, you may want to try enjoying humans, just so that you can stay grounded. i mean humans can suck, but we got our moments
I just keep my friends few and close! and u kno what i have always enjoyed talking to myself. i was an only child till the age of 10. i could make my self laugh and everything!!
That’s because you are an angelic/demonic/enlightened spirit occupying a physical body. A human being in the true sense. Enjoy communing with like minded beings no matter what form they take.
Does that really exist? Angelic and Demonic spirits encarnating into human bodies?
Does that really exist? Angelic and Demonic spirits encarnating into human bodies?
Yes, temporarily.
Robert Bruce was telling me how he’s sat with Ascended Masters in temples of the astral plane, and they’ve told him they will temporarily shapeshift into humans to manipulate events.
Some extremely advanced magick.
I’m currently reading Sinister Yogis by David Gordon White. He argues that the meaning of Yoga was changed in the early Common Era to accommodate religious attitudes about “liberation” and tracks how the older and less translated literature depicted yogis as basically black magicians who devote their practice to acquiring power.
One of the abilities that were most frequently attributed to the most advanced adepts was the power to incarnate as or possess multiple people/beings at once, either becoming infants or taking over the body of someone recently deceased. I found this extremely interesting.
Consider - If individuals can attain to an equality with The All, that would mean that they could incarnate as multiple beings, just as it does. And those created beings could potentially advance and become one with The All and “bud off” to be gods in their own right and continue the process. It makes sense to me. (In a confusing sort of way.)
Very cool.
I arrived at this conclusion myself not too long ago. That your “over-consciousness” could in turn form multiple “seed-consciousnesses”, so not only would you continue with the evolution of your god-self, you could also continue having the experience of mortal incarnation. Effectively having the best of both worlds.
After all, having a mortal incarnation is a lot of fun, and that fun would be greatly diminished by having the full power of a god-self; but being a god-self would also be very interesting. You can have both.
Oh well… we work hard for our ascensions. I do want to experience these stuff.
I just keep my friends few and close! and u kno what i have always enjoyed talking to myself. i was an only child till the age of 10. i could make my self laugh and everything!![/quote]
I can completely relate to that, and I often keep an active registry of the people I know in my head, so if I need to run a thought by someone I’ not around, or plan to talk to them about it, I can discuss it for hours and gauge their reactions. Then there are direct conversations with myself, and those are always crazy
Having a human incarnation is cool, I wouldn’t believe having full power would diminish it. Human enjoyment in it’s current sense is based off of very limited parameters, a small perceptual scope that is generally untested until the Godself is explored. I mean, me personally, I didn’t really start enjoying myself until I started exploring things beyond normal parameters. There were things that were sensibly pleasurable, but I didn’t really enjoy them very much. I’m not quite sure how to explain it, but I feel like if I could do anything, I would look to see how much I could do, because even though I could have all the power of the godself, I would still have to put it to work in order to realize and experience it. I mean we have it now, but we are doing all this stuff to remember and realize what it can do.
I merely meant the fun of actually being mortal is very much dependent on limited scope, and then transcending that. Not to say that being godlike wouldn’t be fun in its own way - far from it.
I guess a good analogy - a lot of things you enjoyed as a child you wouldn’t enjoy as much now. They are either no longer stimulating, no longer challenging, or just no longer suited for the person you are now. This doesn’t diminish those activities, you are just beyond them now. There are interesting things for you now that would generally be inappropriate or uninteresting or overwhelming for a child. Essentially, if you could simultaneously be a child and an adult, you would have the best of both.
Something like that.
Following up your analogy Red Circle…there are plenty of things we dreamed of as a child, things that were just out of reach, and have long been forgotten because of the day to day cycle of life.
Just like riding bicycles, jumping off of cliffs and bridges, or playing guns in the front yard seem like silly childhood activities to me now. But as I really think of it, that was fun and maybe I should try it again.
Same with the spirit after ascent returning to experience the flesh. Sure we’ve experienced the oneness of God. But to have our own consciousness, our own vehicle and our own divine will, isn’t it nice to experience life in this way. Life to the fullest from now until eternity!
Well yea, I guess we all kinda were thinking the same thing, but kinda misunderstood what each other was saying. At least I kinda misunderstood, because my sentiments were exactly the same. Oops haha
[quote=“Zekariah Antichristus, post:13, topic:1070”]Following up your analogy Red Circle…there are plenty of things we dreamed of as a child, things that were just out of reach, and have long been forgotten because of the day to day cycle of life.
Just like riding bicycles, jumping off of cliffs and bridges, or playing guns in the front yard seem like silly childhood activities to me now. But as I really think of it, that was fun and maybe I should try it again.
Same with the spirit after ascent returning to experience the flesh. Sure we’ve experienced the oneness of God. But to have our own consciousness, our own vehicle and our own divine will, isn’t it nice to experience life in this way. Life to the fullest from now until eternity![/quote]
You hit a good point Zekariah, I think childhood is when your living your life to the fullest. The only thing limiting a child is their imagination. It’s only as they grow older and are told to put childish things aside that they begin searching for that “something more” that seems just out of reach. People don’t realize that going back to that child like magickal thinking that opened all possibilities and doors that brought so much happiness in their life is just a change of mind set away.