I sold my soul. Break pact with satan? Am I going to hell?. Is satan just a thought form?

Am I going to be tortured?. There’s no way out?. And lady-Eva’s the spirit you asked me to evoke. How do I evoke him and should I use blood. I had read evocation is a lot harder than just using a sigil. What exactly am I looking to ask from this demon who was your uncle

I would like to move forward but satan has affected my sleep and I can no longer take naps. It’s driving me crazy

i doubt you’re going to be straight up tortured. i’m not an expert but why bother? it’s much more likely he will bend and break you until you are shaped into an ideal slave. but again i’m not an expert.

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Okay okay… Please help me help you… Take a deep breath and a slow exhale. Imagine a beach. The warm sun on your face, the sand between your toes… Now look at yourself as if you are coming from a different point of view. Zoom out and see your situation. I want you to then scream internally. As you shout see the black mist flowing down into the Earth. After this I want you to curl up into a ball and then expand as fast as you can. When this happens wave of light will explode from you. Then I want to keep on taking deep breaths. After you feel relaxed, lower yourself back into your physical body. Once you’ve done all of this pm me.


I told you how, I told you what I think about you using any more blood, you completely ignored me. Now you’re asking again. Are you trying to piss people off?

I answered that as well! :joy:


what more do I need than a candle and sigil to contact your uncle?. From everything I’ve read after reading your post states that evoking spirits takes a lot more than just a candle. I know this might not be for every spirit/demon tho. One thing I was wondering is what’s the right way to renegotiate of the selling of the soul or making a pact, or whatever I did

What more did I tell you that you needed?

You’re probably better off contacting a different spirit, I had thought you were maybe just a regular guy who made a mistake because of having troubles, which Varnaxis would be very understanding of, but it seems you’re riven by self-doubt, second-guessing yourself and others, and numerous other problems, so try contacting someone different instead, because you’re obviously full of doubts here and it’s wasting everyone’s time to continue.

If you want to become a magician you need to find focus, and comprehend why certain things are done in magick, but if you just want out, go lay this on a clergyman’s doorstep and ask them for help. Tell them a random chick on a black magick forum apologises to them in advance! :wink:


Am I one of a kind in regards to the fact I went to hell before I died?.. I have never found this happening anywhere els or to anyone els. What happend to me was like I had entered another reality.

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I tried contacting varnaxis without any luck

I’ve found very few things in life go successful on the first try.

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Might I suggest not using blood or any other bodily fluid from yourself (and hopefully none from other human beings or live animals).

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Practice and the right state of mind. If you’re somewhat tired, then that can help, the important thing is to ignore your eyes watering and keep your focus on the sigil until it opens/flashes/skips and blurs. At that point call the name and command it to come, be polite, but get it done, whatever that may be.
If you want to go to heaven, look up the keyword oaths in later church letters and you might get a new perspective. If everything is that black and white and no mercy exists, then own it with self respect and dignity rather than hanging on to the leg of the throne of God. My opinion.

I’ve been there. Great place.


@787400xps Separate “Hell” and “torture” in your head. Selling your soul to the Devil is NOT how people end up getting tortured in Hell. THINK FOR GOODNESS SAKE. By making a pact you’ve essentially said that you are on the same side as the Devil. Do you torture people who declare themselves your allies? OF COURSE NOT.


No, you’re not. :smiley:

Do you intend to attempt to become a magician or are you just trying to get the worry of this off your mind?


@787400xps Honestly though, I’ve been to the Qliphothic realms (which I’ve referred to as Hell elsewhere) before, but it was you who convinced me to ask the Spirits to specifically take me to Hell just to prove a point that you are wrong. I travelled there yesterday. Can’t quite tell if it’s the same place as the Qliphoth yet. I won’t pretend I have all the answers. The point is though that you have nothing to be worried about.


Even in the Bible there were Christians who were unstable. Get a grip, man. If you don’t want to do this, try going back to where you came from. However, I can only tell you that trying to walk a light and dark path will lead to a spiritual tornado around you. Perhaps you should try to not obsess over this, and just forget about spirituality for a while. And no, you’re not one of a kind. no one is one of a kind. The fact that you would believe there is such a place should sear your path to the left to begin with. As far as hell goes, don’t feel bad. You’re not the only one going there.


i think he might have gone to the place in the astral that religious people made when they started talking about fire and brimstone.


I thought so to but I went there while I was still alive.

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anyone that does soul travel can tell you that that has little to do with it. additionally it seems like you were not in your right mind. the fact you offered your soul at all seems to suggest that. i’m not totally convinced what you experienced was anything more than a schizophrenic episode. although it’s worth mentioning that some believe that such things are as real as apples. how about you talk to satan and ask about it? he would know, wouldn’t he?

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