I pissed off angels, and now it’s a constant struggle for my mind - help needed

You must only find divine balance in the feminine divine. Psychopathic is a choice of in balance, breeding hatred of self and further aggression layer down the line trust me, I was with Set for years before I balanced him everything I touched became chaos. I was incarcerated multiple times, the hatred only grew stronger till the point of punching holes in the walls and telling those I loved I felt nothing for them.

It’s just an example my duties stand firm without emotional imbalance or feeling like anything but self is needed. Letting my child go, metaphorically and not fighting the system. Helped me get her home. Forgiving the woman who cheated helped understand Lillith. Though we aren’t married it was example. I am only married to Inanna in truth. Though I have duties that will always be as a Father of Many. You think true solitude is the only thing that can increase my ascendancy? 5 years i carried this woman, not ever allowing her to truly stand on her own, I forced her to get clean as I did, i forced her to stay sober until she wanted it. Now all things end, we know this we own nothing. She accepts me as I am Neutral in Nature and Guided by forces beyond my comprehension. She knows and accepts that I will always belong to the goddess. Am I wrong for feeling this way? For letting go of my wrath, has only brought blessings.

Not “wrong” but those are things that worked for you. If someone tried to take my child I would destroy them, or die trying (and then pick it back up as a spirit!), in ways appropriate to the situation, because that’s a maternal duty.

We have dharma when we have relationships, because anything we get from them for our own benefit demands a duty in return; families, society, and the world break down when we try to avoid the duty, whilst taking the benefits of the other party in that relationship.

But it looks as though you’re discussing specific things in specific situations, so I’m not commenting on those, and getting sober does have its own dharma of letting go of certain kinds of control for a while. :heart_decoration:


“Woe to women with babes in the end times” because, A Mother Can Never Let Go.
One thing I know as my truth is that nothing is ever truly ours, and by clinging to people or things it creates loss of identity, or self. Set tells me that our children aren’t for us but for the future. The children belong to Gaia yet to be Blessed as a Father is a gift and one to not take lightly either.

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But the duty remains. If someone comes over and starts walking your child away while you’re buying food, would you just let that happen?

People who take children in general (and not when the parents are temporarily in need of support) are not doing it to help the child:

I’ll meet that one with:

Loving wives and mothers seldom make it into history books.

Because we’re too damn busy creating the future.



Bro you cannot fully obliterate the ego… You might succeed in eliminating false perceptions of self or even tendencies you don’t like about you but you’ll still need to erect an ego irregardless… Its the function of the left brain pal… The robotic you


Most mystics and religiously oriented magicians describe
their mystical experience in terms of transcendence. They de-
scribe themselves as having been swept up into something far
greater, as a leaf in a hurricane, or as a teardrop slipping into an
ocean. They claim that their own ego has been obliterated and
merged into union with godhead. Nothing of the sort has oc-
curred. They have merely employed some form of gnostic exalta-
tion to inflate their own ego into an immense version of god that
they have been carefully cultivating. The process differs not one
whit from that employed by the black magician who also inflates
his ego to cosmic dimensions, save that the religious types need a
god in whose name to advance their own interests. They may also
make a passing show of humility to conceal from themselves the
enormity of their megalomania.


Accurate: when people describe that, I know they just got a fluffy high, not Self/self merger.

Is that a quotation?

It was due to her Relapsing on Heroin, my daughter blessedly was born perfect, she was removed for her own safety yes, from a mother that slices her arms and beats herself in the face, I’d come home from work to find her blacked out on the bathroom floor and our daughter alone crying in the bassinet. At first I turned to Set I became him thinking I could scare this woman into become better for her children. Wrong, only when I let go of all that was before could I see, now she hasn’t cut bad enough for hospitalization since I quit my job and began to teach her and others. We cycle through sleeping separate until she comes to me with her needs. I’ve thought many times of just leaving, I chose to use her as my reason for imbalance. Not true, either. She’s slowly now working with me down into the darkness where she hid many rapes and abuses as a child. She lost her true love to Heroin, 3 months ago now. Maybe that set her free idk. Working her to the point where she doesn’t want to drink non-stop has been a task of its own. I blame myself, yet I broke up with her over a year ago and then she got pregnant, so I stayed knowing she couldn’t raise a child. Then the child was taken regardless. I’ve been sober 5years mind you signs be what they be.


Your absolutely did right by your child then, and fulfilled your duty. :pray:


Yes… Peter Caroll liber null
Exactly the same thing happens when a magician attempts to
invoke his Holy Guardian Angel. The source of consciousness
exists as the powers of will and perception. Any names, images,
symbols, and directives that the magician receives will only be
exaggerated artifacts from his own mind and ego and possibly
telepathic fragments from other people. Because he obtains these
communications in a gnostic state, he is likely to accept them
uncritically. Gnosis also unleases subconscious creativity, and the
messages are likely to be even more alluring if they are strung
together with unexpected cleverness.
We, each of us, have a real Holy Guardian Angel, or Kia,
which is our power of consciousness, magic, and genius. We also
have a regrettable capacity to become obsessed with the mere
products of our genius, mistaking them for the genius itself.
These obsessional side effects have a genetic name,
Choronzon, or perhaps the demons Choronzon, for its name is
multiple. To worship these creations is to imprison oneself in
madness and to invoke eventual disaster.
Belief in a god or belief in one’s ego are the same thing. Every
man is already his own diseased vision of God. Both the religious
maniac and the black magician acquire a certain charisma and
mission from their respective obsessions, but ultimately their quest
is futile, for they cannot get beyond their own inflated fears and
desires to the real thing — the anonymous and formless, yet
fantastic, power source within themselves.
That we are conscious, magical, and creative is the most
mysterious and incredible thing in the universe. Any god or higher
self we can imagine is necessarily less amazing than what we
ourselves actually are, for it is merely one of our own creations.
Myself, I am unwilling to give any sensible name, attribute, or
glyph to the infinite mystery within the core of my consciousness
and behind the illusion of the universe. It has been wisely said that
the Absolute is either ineffable or it is less than us.
To invoke the real Holy Guardian Angel (or Kia) is a para-
doxically difficult task. As it has no form, there is no way to get an
imaginative grip on it. It cannot be willed or perceived, for it is,
itself, the root of will and perception.
If one invokes the Holy Guardian Angel with the general
expectation of various signs and manifestations, then one’s genius
and magical capacities will usually provide these if enough gnosis
is employed. Alternatively, if one enters an exalted state in an
unplanned way, then the free belief generated will usually attachitself to any incipient mystical ideas one may have. In both cases
one has missed the boat. Let me repeat my startlingly simple
message. The real Holy Guardian Angel is just the force of
consciousness, magic, and genius itself — nothing more. This
cannot manifest in a vacuum; it is always expressed in some form,
but its expressions are not the t


Balance is in No Pride No Vanity No Sense of Self besides being a piece of a Machine. You mistake me, I Identify with no God except Nun from which all emanations came.

But you still Identify with something… Bro I’m not disputing your claims… We are friends lol.

But I’m saying You are amongst the “Emanations” of chaos… You cannot completely become IT… but you can become like it

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Again you can’t become this

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Set Means Strength, we as humans are Chaos, I wasn’t saying you were disputing just trying to express how I feel, which is rather difficult except to say Ma’at. Haha created in his Image? Per’se. When I balanced The masculine with feminine divine I became again just a child. Rebirthed from the darkness I am Malak Taus as Inanna called my Name.


Yes… That makes sense then

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Interesting hah, alot more than Nothingness within. That Void. I see much there Brother. I’m currently working with the Archdaemones, Inanna Guides me now Set was sent from her as protection for me. My animal Nature Premordial me. He taught me Martial arts and shooting Blind with my Bow. Warrior Caste indeed. Shit got bad i was homeless on the streets on Trenton giving up family wealth privilege, Set was what I needed. Strength to be free.


Well I am seeking Inana too…I should PM you if you’re free

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Do so , there’s a reason I Teach. Always learning still I give all I know.

While reading this thread I had a lot of answers in my mind, but @Lady_Eva already said it all. :raised_hands:

You cry not because you don’t believe or know that our souls go on.
You cry because they have always been with you physically, and now they’re not. You miss them.
Or you cry because you would have wished for them to have more time in this life. You think of all the good stuff that could still have happened to them.
You cry because that particular story ended. It is the human way of letting things go.