I need some more information

Hey guys, so I discovered this site like a week ago and I’ve gotten a lot of information from you guys but I still have some questions about love spells. I know you need a red candle but does it have to be sented? And if you need a belonging to your target, could it be a gift you got them but haven’t gave to them yet? How affective are love spells? How long do they take? Do you have to recharge it every so often? What should I be wearing when I do a spell? How should my voice tone be? What kind of room should I do it in? I know it’s a lot of questions maybe even some stupid but I just want to make sure that I’m doing everything right. If you guys can help me with any knowledge you may have I will take any helpful information. Thank you!

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Welcome @JLB_4E It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas od interest, etc:



I did.

The candle does not need to be scented, but if you use a scented candle that will work just as well. All rituals are less about the tools used and more about the intent and emersion. Love spells can be very effective depending on the desire of the outcome, how confident you are in the spell you cast, and if you can not obsess over if the spell is working and know with confidence that your desired outcome will be achieved.

As for how long they take, it could be instantly to several weeks. Again, it depends on how much energy (and emotions) you expel during said ritual. The clothing you wear doesn’t have to be anything special, but if wearing robes or dressing a certain way helps with the process of immersion then due whatever suits you. Do it in a space that is clean and where you will not be distracted, and you can either speak or whisper or chant the words. Again, it is whatever feels right in the moment and whatever gives you the confidence to know that the spell you are casting is working.

Thanks a lot! (:

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Remember: intention is key! Do your ritual, your spell, your magick, and BELIEVE and KNOW the results will manifest.

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