I need help with altar piece ideas for Melek Taus

Title basically says it all. I want to start working with Melek Taus since he has been over my shoulder for months. I just have no idea what kind of altar piece to make for him. I have some lovely peacock feathers I want to incorporate into it, but that’s all I really know so far. Any and all ideas welcome.



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Thank you. Digging that up was on my to-do list as well.

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Question, what’s he like?

As for the feathers, I’m not sure. I suppose you could make some form of painting in his honor and incorporate them? Maybe make a smudging fan for him?

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I thought about the painting. I haven’t worked in oil or acrylic in a while so I would need to get some blues and whites. Luckily I already have some canvases tucked away. Well, my wife does lol. The feathers are a bit too wispy for a smudge fan.

As for what he is like…much like Lucifer. But more playful? Maybe that’s the right word. Very prideful. Pretty ambiguous in gender, but predominantly male. Somewhat fatherly.

I also approach him from the standpoint of the Feri Tradition. Well, what is available as I am not an initiate of the tradition. But Yezedi leaders have officially accepted the Feri interpretation of Melek Taus so I feel confident approaching him in this manner.


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I see. A lot of rainbow-serpent-feathery type stuff has been showing in readings so I was curious.

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