I need help to sell my soul to Satan

I need help and guidance with how to do the ritual to summon Satan and sell my Soul to him. I want him to fulfill my desires and give me supernatural powers.

Why would he want your soul?
What’s so special about you, what would one stand to gain?
Ultimately this seems a bit one sided.


I must agree with @Painon this time, since the currency of occultism is hard work and dedication


Supernatural powers can be gained, you know.

How about you grow up a little mentally and ask that question again?


I’m doing ritual for devotion (to Lucifer, not really Satan) but I think it’s better you do a ritual like that instead of giving your soul away.

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You are rude. I know what I am talking about. Satan gives you telepathy, astral projection, teleportation etc.

Lol you can astral project without selling your soul, I do it all the time

Teach me how to become a Satanist and to do a ritual to talk to Satan face to face(Fyi I am new to Satanism don’t mock)

Yeah but the power still comes from Satan. Supernatural powers are either God or Satan only.

I’m not a satanist and i work with Lucifer, not Satan, so I won’t be much help, I’m sorry, I just listen to him and do the rituals and meditations he wants me to and make adjustments when necessary.

Um…well not really. Humans have a lot more abilities than Christianity has led on. So technically these powers don’t come from either. They come from self.


Lol! Don’t take it personally. If you had searched the forum for how to sell your soul, you would have seen this idea is generally mocked but also debated.

Teach yourself like the rest of us do. Start with the tutorials here, get a book or few and work through it.


Are you sure?


Magickal power comes from within, from what most would probably call soul. Various entities can help you strengthen it, but the initial power comes from within.(Not just Satan and “God”, I for example primarily work with Hekate)


This 100% ^^^^^


You are rude. You must be thinking I am stupid because Idk much about Satanism knowledge. You are ignorant. Magic, supernatural powers, spirits etc are from Satan or God only. There are no other supernatural forces.

Just to add my two cents, as others have said powers don’t strictly come from God or Satan. I primarily worked with the Morrigan until recently, and she taught me how to do a lot, even if I didn’t realize at the time she was. The “powers” as you call them aren’t always from outside sources, they’re in you.

With all due respect, if you did you wouldn’t be here asking. You seem to be approaching this from a black and white perspective (God and Satan), but the truth is nothing is just black and white. There are no absolutes.


Okay sensitive, I never stated that you were stupid or anything along the lines of that. If you would have read Lady Eva’s thread that she tagged you would have quickly found your answer. No sense in sitting here arguing with you so I’ll make way and I hope you find what you’re looking for. :ok_hand:


No one here has called or even intimated you are stupid. Ignorant yes. Stupid no. Ignorance can be corrected with knowledge…stupid can’t be fixed. Black and white thinking is extremely common when just leaving a religion youve been invested and tied up in for a long while. But you’re young and have a ways to go, as we all do, in learning the occult mysteries. My suggestion. Be humble and take on a student mindset. You came here to learn, not bicker and try and prove a point.