I need help please!

Hi everyone, Im really angry and frustrated as i type this but i need help, so from past couple of days some really powerful people are blackmailing my father and my father refuses to share what its about and keeps giving them money thinking they will leave him when they get enough. I want to help him but i can only magickly, law here is useless would be better to say its a lawless country unfortunately. I was thinking to contact Belial , but my question is how should write my petition cause idk who these people are and he refuses to share. Should i just tell Belial to eliminate whoever these people are or he needs names? im lost and confused on how to petition this

Also what should visualize for this situation, if knew who they were u then i would see them getting punished but since i dont know their names nor how they look, what should i visualize then in the ritual ? Any suggestions. or other spirits that can help please i really cant see him depressed and suicidal anymore.Thank you .

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Andromalius " To name those who have stolen from your" not related to my situation but i suppose he can also reveal names of those involved in this alteast? should i go to him

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Update : so last night after posting this i was wondering who to call from goetics and which method, i have book by henry but intuition pushed me to do the ritual the old way , opening sigil and offering something. I called on andromalius and explained him and offered him sandalwood incense and OMG he works so fast.

This morning i woke to up to not only finding some names but also the whole situation from relatives idk how they extracted all this info from my father but they did , andromalius at work i guess . Now to do ritual with Belial to pusnish these clowns.


He offered it to Zagan, i can offer it to Belial also same way or no ?

Just write “To those who are blackmailing my father” it should work. Sometimes I cast spells without knowing their name or face like this.

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Call King Belial I will get his sigil ring tomorrow. He’s too powerful I evoked him yesterday and damnn the energy of my room was insane, It was like an powerful current flowing through my whole body. He’s too damn powerful Call him and make a req u can visualise his sigil and chant enn with king belial’s ritual music(I do that). Don’t be afraid he is the guy. Offer him something if u don’t know what to do you can at least be devoted to him. He will cut off everything that’s troubling you. My senses are shit like yours, I can’t communicate but trust me He is there. He will make u into a freaking beast like him if he likes you. He will test u often. Get ready just don’t wander off your path, This path is for your own Ascension, The Infernal is waiting to make u a living god.


I did and offered him black candle and blood. I agree with you about his energy i dont have any word for it other than its just pure out of this world type current thats it. When he arrives he will change the atmosphere in such way that even a first timer will do nothing but forced to notice his presence an he will make sure u notice. I now put my case in his hands however he deals with it, up to the King himself. Hail Belial

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I can’t speak for Belial bc never worked with it. But i CAN speak on Eligos and Andras.

If you want to get someone in trouble with the law or military, Eligos is who you want to go for.

If you just want to fuck their lives up royally, Andras all the way. All she does is wreck shit, she literally doesn’t do anything BUT destroy.

Both very highly recommended Your foes won’t know what hit them.

Andromalius is also very good he’s my go-to.

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I see, i did the ritual with Belial because andromalius revealed that its the law itself thats involved and doing all this basically corrupt police officers. I prolly will go to andras cause i just dont want to protect him, But also put some of these guys in a box however andras see fit

You know, it doesn’t have to be you who fights them. It can be them turning on themselves and each other, leaving you alone.

Oo i like this strategy honestly andras wont only make me happy but people in general also cause these bastards and the organisation itself is useless anyway so they all can fight each other and burn and :skull: is all i care for . Thanks for insight .

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Write the people’s names onto a sigil of Andras. Put a Five of Wands and Tower tarot card under the sigil. Burn a red candle on the Five of Wands and a black candle on the Tower. Do this on a Tuesday at a Saturn hour or Saturday at a Mars hour. And watch shit go crazy.

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