I need help figuring out this sign found in an invocation ritual by Aleister Crowley

Hello, Become a living god forum.

I hope this message finds you all well. I was just wondering if anyone is familiar with the sign of the Sun and Moon Conjoined. This particular sign is part of the preliminary invocation of the Goetia (Note from Liber Samech), by Aleister Crowley. I found this invocation in “Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia: Sexual Evocation”. The instructions and illustrations given in this book explain the ritual in detail, except for this sign. The only thing that the book has about this particular sign is the following image:

I have no idea how to incorporate this sign into the ritual, since all other signs are simpler, and done with your hands. If any of you are familiar with this invocation ritual, and know how this sign is performed in the ritual, I would extremely grateful if you could explain it to me.

Thank you for reading my message, for your time and attention. Have a wonderful day.

If memory serves that is the sign of Babalon.

Thank you, SullaFelix, for answering my question so quickly. One last question, could you please elaborate? Like, what is the sign of Babalon, how is performed with your hands, if it is even performed? It’s okay if you have no idea. Thank you again for your help.

It is not done with your hands. I have only seen it a a sign of Babalon. I believe I have read all of his writings down through the years. I am assuming that what you are reading was edited at least by another writer. I will have to reread Liber Samech.

Are you doing the Bornless Ritual?

Thank you for your answers, SullaFelix. So, the book that I am reading has Lon Milo DuQuette and Christopher S. Hyatt listed as the authors. I am not sure if it also called “the Bornless Ritual”. Nowhere in the book is the ritual called that. It is specifically called “The preliminary invocation of the goetia, by Aleister Crowley”. However, you are actually saying “The Bornless One” in the incantations. You are in fact invoking an entity referred numerous times as “The Bornless One”, so I am more inclined to believe that we both are talking about the same ritual. Thank you for helping me figuring this out. I will wait patiently for your reply.

The “preliminary invocation of the Goetia” is the Bornless Rite. Crowley took the original exorcism, known as the Rite of the Headless One, and rewrote it. He believed it should be used before doing any ritual from the Lesser Key.

Thank you, DarkestKnight, for your prompt answer. And for confirming my suspicions. You have been really helpful. Are you familiar with the ritual? Do you have any idea what it means when the ritual instructs “make the Sign of the Sun and the Moon Conjoined”? I would really appreciate your input. Thank you for reading my message.

I have worked with the Goetia many years ago and in the last few years. The first time was with the old standard Ceremonial Magick way and lately with pathworking. I have that book somewhere but I never read that much of it or tried to use Crowley’s method. I have done his Bornless Ritual but I do not remember the sign you are asking about. I will look around and see what I can find out.

I found this which shows it but I cannot find in the writing how to do it.


Sorry, if you hit me up 40 years ago I could have been more helpful.

Thank you for all your help, SullaFelix. I clicked on the link you shared and have read some of the information. I will keep reading it. Thank you again for sharing that link with me. I wasn’t alive 40 years ago, so asking you about this would have been impossible. Thank you for all your help. Have a nice day.