Please I need to know what’s wrong, I’ve seen results from Angels and Goetia Spirits but I’ve not seen results with money Magick. I’m currently lacking funds and I need to pay my house rent in the next 2 days or I get evicted, I’ve been anxious since yesterday.
Please can you help with divination and other ways.
…so pray to him again. If you’re able, offer poundcake and a glass of water, he likes that. Pour your heart into it, tell him what you need, etc.
Also since you worked with Goetic spirits before, call on Bune. Same thing, call her (or him, depending on how they come to you) and pour your whole heart into it.
Good luck & I hope everything works out for you. I’m sorry you’re going through this.
2 days is a very short time, it limits a lot where an entity can act.
I can’t offer you any sort of divination but for now, in addition to working with the aforementioned entities, also try the Demon Moreh described in the book Lucifer and the Hidden Demons, and ask him to give you more time to settle your debt.
If you’ve seen results with Goetia spirits, thats great as there just happens to be one who is a dab hand with money magick. Bime aka Bune is a specialist at getting funds to those in need. If used her successfully in a pinch.
Broadly speaking, ongoing problems with money magick is often down to unconscious blocks/beliefs/attitudes relating to money. If you had more time I would suggest working on those.
But as time is an issue I would suggest bypassing that step and going to Bune/Bime. Also, someone suggested using another spirit to get more time- also a good plan. I did that once successfully (also with Bime/Bune).
Another variable (as someone referenced above) is your stress level due to the urgency of the situation. Its natural to be stressed in such circumstances, but unfortunately this can hamper your work.
My advice is to do whatever it is that you do to relax and diminish stress in the short term, at least long enough to do your working. This will increase your chances of success by a considerable margin.
As you consider this, you can allow yourself to notice that there have doubtless been many times in your life when you have been able to Relax in trying circumstances. The fact that you’ve done this before means that you can do it again and the more you become aware of this the easier it will be to Relax more and more.
You can become aware of all those times in your life that you’ve just let any tensions around a situation ooze away while you take whatever action is needed.