I’m 24 and this entity has been following me since I was 21. It started four years ago after falling asleep with a picture of a crop circle under my pillow. It ramped up this summer after doing some research on how to get rid of them. They started targeting my thoughts and I felt things being implanted on my body.
A month ago, another psychic told me there was a male entity trying to gain control. Recently I had a soul retrieval done by a shaman and the same day I felt something come into my body but I don’t believe it was my soul, since I started hearing a male voice masquerading as my own. Most of the intrusive thoughts are about giving consent, getting possessed, or giving my soul away.
The shamans/healers I’ve worked with in the last few weeks have been opening my chakras which seems to make things worse. I’m hoping there’s a way to move around that. Right now I’m still having the same thoughts and occasionally hearing the male voice as well as sensing another astral body inside my own. I also feel like this entity is trying to bind with me or my soul, I feel coldness inside my chakras which is very uncomfortable.
I’ve also had some Enochian magick performed on me with the help of a friend. We did the LBRP and invited Cahethel to assist me in banishing this energy, it did seem helpful at the time however, it isn’t safe for me to be doing that kind of work on my own right now.
I’ve had an extremely difficult time in life ever since I fell asleep with the picture of that crop circle. Setback after setback, I seem to be going in a spiral in life. Every time I try to pull my self out of this hole I get knocked back down even harder. I’ve had health issues for the past two years that have distracted me from my spiritual issues. As soon as I decided to take the steps to start healing this past summer, I got intensely attacked.
I’m requesting help because I’ve tried to do the LBRP on my own but it doesn’t seem heavy duty enough. It seems like these things use magick against me since I’m new and don’t really know what I’m doing. If I invoked an angel or demon I wouldn’t really be able to discern if it’s the real thing. I’m in a situation where I can’t really help my self and don’t know if anyone else can really help me