I need a spirit for money and luck

Even daemon or djinn or what have need you to have some sort of method to earn you money.
As long as you endure, youll be fine

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gambling isnt’ the way to go if you don’t have continued income that covers basics needs. Gambling is more potential supplement income after basics are met. Because it takes time to figure out and to discipline self to make it profitable. its still require time, effort and study so it’s not a get rich quick method. Gambling should only be with extra money your willing to lose not the money that are for living expense.

sure there are people who win mega millions lotto by random buying stopping at gas station but you are more successful getting hit by lightning to wake you up. lol.

just on top of my head, demons dealing with gambling or money and numbers is Asmoday. nitika, clauneck, bune and volac.


Have you read pyramid incantation?



My dear, everything is not money, so calm down first and fo the needful

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Bad idea. It’s hard to say how he will react to the curse.


Duchess Bune would be a good choice.

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no, but I have had good results with black seals, I recommend it

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Can you please lead me to the book?

Are there any strong magic words I say that bring me good luck in order to make some money to rent an apartment?

you can search the forum, do a little research, a while ago @micah shared some spells, @blond also shared a lot of things, but what i said, you need to work hard, no one is going to give you anything if you are not willing to work, You can look for a spirit to help you get a stable job, after that you can ask for help to get a promotion, things like that, but it seems that what you are looking for is for someone to leave a bag of money at your door, so …


will these spirits help with splurging money. Because I read in the companion book, a lot of spirits are pick and only give what is necessary. I have some expenses I need to pay off and need to buy some other stuff. I was thinking along the lines of having the spirit have my weekly pay check be more than it actually should be

Lucifer is your friend

Lucifer aided me finding money on the ground by taking routes and paths I would have never taken, only when I saw the money on the ground I was even aware I was on that route and It occurred multiple times until I got the desired amount I asked of him

All that were possible with a simple petition