I’m Reaching Out To The Adepts, The Advanced, To Be a Part Of Something Great

Not necessarily, if done carefully and properly.

Also if you’ve been paying very close attention the earth has been very slowly been doing it itself over it’s existence.

Have you noticed the increase in supernatural phenomena in just the last ten years. It is very interesting.


But this is it doing it on its own, not being forced to. The earth knows what it needs to do. Speeding it up too fast or too soon is what I am talking my about.


I’m still a little confused.

What do are you intending to accomplish with this working?


This sounds very interesting, I have a couple of questions :slight_smile:

This is going to be you and all who participate I guess?
What are the sources that are guiding you going to do with all this power?


I’m not sure he’s going to be answering any questions, could be wrong. But from this asking means it’s not for you.


I’m In @C.Kendall

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@C.Kendall I’m interested, more details would be appreciated.

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19 posts were split to a new topic: Removed posts 2: i-m-reaching-out-to-the-adepts-the-advanced-to-be-apart-of-something-great/103757/

I’m well up for this


Well I’m just working on somthing similar, but different in key parts. As well as Group workings can be slightly difficult for me. (O.C.D and other things)

So I would just prefer to observe and see how the two workings interact. That’s the researcher in me coming though.

I do think his wording could be a bit confusing for some. Maybe if he just simplified his words others might understand what he is asking.

Again though, I would like to be kept in the loop, for research reasons.


I’ll offer my assistance.


I will join you, although I would hope that the darkness of the Lwa would agree for this work, but I have felt something calling me for a long time. If you’ll have me then Pm me


Looks like I am late to the party, but it means my questions were already answered. My schedule is pretty tight these days but count me in.


I understand your confusion, a lot of the double talk and dark and creepy is there sell using occult poetry to impress how enlightened they are instead of speaking in plain english they try and embellish with their own take on the universe, the occult and magic. I think Conner was or wants to be a writer of occult fiction and did a lot of research into real magic, he is now using his writing skills as an ego trip on the forum to get hearts and establish himself as some kind of legendary occult guru.

He constantly talks about blood pacts, cemetery weird rituals, wicked ceremonials and overall darkness thematics, much of his writing comes from things he’s seen on YouTube.

An example from another of his threads would be: “What are the black waters of death? Has anyone heard of this? Funny enough I cover this in my upcoming necromantic grimoire, it isn’t really just waters but it is a eternal, infinite and limitless black current of death. A river blacker than oil, it runs beneath and throughout all realms, worlds, dimensions and planes. For it is the very current of death itself, it is the secret current the descended master Anuas state’s there are specific forgotten methods of infiltrating it.”

I am like WTF. It makes no sense, rivers of death that surrounds us, he should be wearing a black cape and speaking in a thick Hungarian accent, this sounds like a story by HP Lovecraft. Again, it’s all about selling the book and appealing to many who are into gaming and comics.

Here’s the translation in plain english, come join me in the darkened, lifeless universe, which flows all around this world and beyond…

As long as people wish to sell and not help or post to educate, your going to have confusion as I don’t understand what you mean, and are you ready for this, the next line, then buy the book.

I am sorry they killed this many posts on this guy’s work of genius, all asking valid questions.

What he is really on about is doing a mass working with his inspired ritual, employing chaos magic, calling on all forces of darkness throughout the universe, pulling these forces together using an obelisk as a ritual tool and talisman. Instead of saying that he implies it is something else with his long winded occult dark poetry and will not give a clue as to what he is casting or what the ritual will entail. Total ego trip, all this to impress the unknowledgable about what a talented writer I am, forever more, forever more… TBH this sounds more like a bad horror flick from the 1950s than a ritual.


Firstly I started this path before writing was ever a desire of mine, writing actually was never a aim of mine, I developed the ability to merely convey my experience and knowledge, it then went from there. I also am not here for a ego trip nor do I want to be some kind of guru, quite the opposite actually I prefer no ranks, nor titles I merely believe in “the individual” and the concept of collaboration between individuals on this forum to help one another. So my rituals are creepy ?, blood rites, rituals in cemeteries ?. I don’t see that as creepy at all and I don’t mention cemeteries all that often either, actually my work in necromancy is the opposite instead of hanging out amongst the graves, I work on bringing those forces to the temple. You also state most of my writings come from YouTube, that’s interesting as if you’ve actually read my work, it’s all from experience. My contributions to the gatekeeper compendiums for example are actually like journals, detailing the exact experiences I had and what I gained from it and how it benefited me and how it can benefit the reader too. On the topic of “The underlining death current” which you so eloquently state makes no sense, allow me to further explain. This isn’t multiple rivers of death as you put it, nor am I stating it surrounds us. All things in the astral planes, flow like circuits as the astral plane is a place of energy and motion. Therefore various realms, kingdoms and so forth, are at their core currents of energy. There exists a current of death however, that actually flows further than just the astral plane, the concept of a river of death isn’t anything new, but it is more of a current of death as a actual force. Now apparently cause of that gnosis I’m meant to wear a cape and speak in a different accent, no I don’t think so. You state this is all about selling books, to those that enjoy comics and video games, well that’s your opinion. This isn’t about selling books it never was, look at my posts here going back years and years, full of information I gave away for free, I do this stuff because I love it, cause it’s a part of my life. You also state that I want others to join me in a dark, lifeless universe which flows all around us etc. In actuality I don’t want anyone to join in that type of thing, cause I am not in that type of world. I have family, friends, happiness, there are light moments, dark moments like any other person. I believe death and life should be embraced equally. I am not posting to sell, you state that I should post to educate, maybe look at the other lists of posts I’ve done. If someone asks about something I don’t go posting a link to “buy my book” either. Apparently your stating the ritual I am planning is merely calling all forces of chaos and darkness into this world, not true either.

Now you’re criticising me cause my writing “is like dark poetry” it’s just my style of writing, it’s even the way I talk sometimes, I ain’t gonna change that just cause it may seem overly “poetic” to you. So this is about an ego trip you say ? Did you read the post at all, it isn’t about me, it isn’t about “Join me in this ritual cause I am the one with the way, I am the only one with the answers”. You also state that all this is to impress the unknowledgeable about what a talented writer I am. I hate to bust your bubble but yet again this isn’t the case, you state this sounds like a bad horror flick from the 1950s more than a ritual. Does it really ? Oh awesome do me a favour show me the movie where a 21 year old welsh black magician, joined a forum and has a awesome ritual he believes would be great to bring others who may be interested in his ritual to perform it with him. Cause I’ve never seen that horror flick, I’ll be honest doesn’t sound much like a horror of the 1950s, I don’t remember mentioning murder, aliens, oversized animals/insects. I’d be interested in seeing that 1950s movie about me though if possible, please be a pal and show us all :wink:. I’d also like to state that just cause you may not resonate with what I post, or with what I do or maybe who I am. I want you to know something, “I don’t give a fuck :kissing_heart:” I am not here to impress, I am not here to get attention.

I am here because I always wanted something like this forum when I first started out in magick, I love the amazing concepts and theories here. The stories and experiences of other magicians, to talk about our similar experiences, the support and collaboration of all us brothers and sisters that come together to further all of our development. To help those that don’t have the money for books, courses and such, to give them a helping hand that we wish we had in the beginning.

I love that I get to share my work here and so many here have supported me greatly, advising me, giving me ideas, even messaging me with similar experiences and telling me things I may have missed out on.

I love the fact that this forum allows us all to socialise with people with the similar beliefs, practices and such. I have made great friends from this forum, one of which actually came to my wedding and I met the guy on here and met him and became best of friends.

Like I said though, just because you have a specific outlook doesn’t mean that’s the whole truth, look at subjective reality maybe you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

Kind regards :blush:


Thank for your response. Honestly, I have received a dozen PM’s, some include the out takes from this thread as many are complaining. I wasn’t going to post but after an entire day of receiving so many PM’s I thought I would comment bringing forward not only some of my views but the combined comments of many others who have felt they were unfairly censored and are very upset.

There’s no doubt in my mind that you are a very talented and knowledgable magician and writer.

To go off topic a bit last November, 11-25-2019, I was conducting a ritual. I heard some strange voicing, the voice claims he was connected to your mind and sent a warning, that you were conducting a divination perhaps regarding myself and potential dark casting. Could this be true?


No not true don’t have the time for such things


Thanks for responding.

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Your more than welcome.


By constructing such obelisks, in theory this should permit the worlds to bleed into one, ending the separations right? I’m guessing the rest would be very precise and require these to be set up astral at very precise locations as…i duuno, would i be correct in guessing a certain geometry will serve as a magnifier???I somehow don’t see u guys building literal obelisks, although that idea is equally amusing.