I remember seeing that thread go down, I think dude stole the skull from a crypt in italy or something. It was on 4chan, so thats all you really have to know to understand it…
That’s right! I remember it now! I have no idea how I wound up on 4chan… not someplace I go intentionally. I’m thinking there was a Google Image search that did NOT go according to plan.
FUCK…I’m starting to feel (sweat forming on my Black Magician’s brow) that you people are talking about me (voices of past skulls that have been violated fill the auditory canal) and now I have to change my avatar (my hands are moved to and fro the keyboard, as if by someone else, as this torture grows inside me to change or not to change my avatar…then I’ll be addicted to changing it every 30min. like Alkaloid)…
Stop Staring!!!
Mode…dude…your avatar is a naked man with a skull…I like naked men and skulls…It’s two for the price of one…how can I not look…lol…
Mode leave your skull fucking Bin Laden in a kiddie pool avatar like it is, it helps remind us all what are troops are fighting for. Let Alkaloid have his own Internet identity as the man of a thousand avatars. If anything just do like Zach and change your username 14 times. I’ll remain the guy who adds nothing useful to the conversation.
I’m crying right now…yes…because of the laughter that my brothers and sisters of Darkness have drawn out of me.
But these are tears of joy that are falling on the Temple floor, flowers once again sprouting where the tears have fallen, for I am being released of The Shame.
The Shame that yes, I, The Black Yogi CAN have a liking for kiddie pools, Ladenique facial hair, and covering thy peepee with a human-skull!
What freedom…what POWER I feel…
Are we supposed to be talking about the forum and the books on this post? This is FLUFFYCATZ part deux
Well this thread certainly took some interesting turns.
As of late it seems that ANY posts that involve TWF, Sinata, Azesiel, Z555, defectron (especially)…often do go, well, to some prittttyyy interesting places.
Well, I have not commented on this one yet. Just being entertained reading it. Funny stuff. ; )
See what I mean Avernus?
Azesiel ALL OF A SUDDEN chimes in, pretends like he doesn’t know what’s going on, throws a black bed sheet over his avatar, and thinks that that’s going to fool the planets Blackest!
Hhhmmm. I wish Fluffycatz were here to clear this thing up once and for all or Robin Tunney or Neve for Z555. Well hell…the whole cast from The Craft
I feel that perhaps I may regret this, but do tell that story, curiosity is overwhelming.[/quote]
The story first started out on a no rules forum on the internet, if you understand that, you’ll understand the back story.
I saw the guy who posted that picture as part of a thread on an anonymous site on the internet. He took a skull from catacombs (I think he was a tourist in France or another European country), and he was asking advice on how to smuggle it through the airport. Which he was given, but this being the kind of place where he would get advice for this…They grew suspicious of him, and people started screaming that he was a troll who was just trying to post a ridiculous thread to get oodles of internet attention with a random picture he found and a story he invented. They wanted him to confirm it was real and not some picture he found on the internet. So he asks the members of this illustrious online community what they want to see for proof, and someone IMMEDIATELY asked for him to “skull fuck it”, to which he responded by posting a picture of him with the skull, then him inserting his boner into the eye socket…Which of course delighted just about everyone over the “real skull fucking” and proclaimed it to be an “epic win”.
And so the story goes, a brief moment in the asshole of the internet.
This is why we can’t have nice things
Ya know all, this particular post is like my “blowing off steam” post. this is where I come to read some really offensive, entertaining, fucked up shit to unwind from a long day.
Then I’ll jump over to something more serious like The Black Magick thread…
Thank you all for lighting up my life