I lost something invaluable

It’s a material thing… and now I can’t seem to find it. It’s in my house, but yeah… it’s like spirits are messing with me somehow :angry:

It’s really not funny, and I need to get it somehow…but yeah I’ve searched EVERYWHERE…

Magical solution please? :crying_cat_face:

Some demons and spirits can help find lost objects. I read in a modern witchcraft manual once that you can summon the owl to find lost things. The demons I can think of are Shax and Gremory. Santa Muerte will also help you find things if you light a brown candle for her.


You can ask @Lady_Eva In her Angel Of Lost Things Aspect Perhaps?


Wow I got to read that…fascinating.
Thanks dear :smiley_cat:

The owl? Can you explain…?

In some Native-American inspired magic traditions, there are animal totems you can call for help. I meant the owl totem.

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Before when I lost my wallet I looked for a bit then stopped and announced out loud I’ll find it soon then not even 10 seconds later I found it lol

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I have been looking for this thing for days now…and still no sign of it appearing.
The spirits are playing with me… :joy_cat:
It’s really not fun though…
They always do that, make things disappear then appear… :crying_cat_face:

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Treat it like a test, practice divination or psychic scences if you haven’t already. It shouldn’t be that hard to get determine now should it.


Saint Anthony of Padua can help with lost things.

Traditionally you’re supposed to say this chant :

Saint Anthony Saint Anthony please come down, my (insert name of lost thing) is lost and must be found

Then you’re supposed to visualize the lost object as you say this chant 3 times.

It’s really simple conjure magic but it continues to work for me.

However that’s just a format, you’re a black magician, have fun with it, take the basic framework and empower the shit out of it in your own way


Probably an invisibilty spell. Either ask the spirits to return it or draw you to it

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Like @SabahSnoblod said some spirits can help find lost objects. I believe I remember some demons from the Goetia having this ability.

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Have you tryed just being forthright and telling them to stop f***ing with you and to give it back. That has always worked for me. Sometimes you just need to stand your ground.


Like you would say to your sister when she keeps annoying you.


Gonna try that…

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